Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 1
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume One (PSM) (1993).iso
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5,630 lines
SHOW Partner Lite 3.7a
User's Guide
for IBM Personal Computers
IBM Personal Systems and Compatibles
Brightbill-Roberts & Company, Ltd.
Show Partner Lite Page 2
Before You Begin ...........................................6
WHAT YOU NEED .........................................6
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ......................................7
A NOTE FOR USERS OF MICE ..............................7
PRODUCT SUPPORT .......................................8
README.DOC ............................................8
Chapter 1: A Quick Tour of Show Partner Lite 3.7a ..........9
HOW THE QUICK TOUR WAS CREATED ........................9
EXERCISE 1: CAPTURE A SCREEN ..........................10
EXERCISE 3: SAVE YOUR SLIDE SHOW .....................13
Chapter 2: Getting Started .................................17
THE SHOW PARTNER LITE PROGRAMS ........................17
VIDEO MODES: AN OVERVIEW .............................18
Chapter 3: Using SHOW ......................................22
STARTING SHOW .........................................22
CREATING A DISK FOR DISTRIBUTION ......................23
USING THE NOSHOW OPTION ...............................24
A FINAL SUGGESTION ....................................24
Chapter 4: Using CAPTURE .................................25
CAPTURING SCREENS: AN OVERVIEW .......................25
CAPTURING A SCREEN ....................................26
Chapter 5: Using Slide Show Editor .........................29
SLIDE SHOW EDITOR: BASIC TASKS .......................29
FILE MENU COMMANDS ...............................34
NEW ...................................................34
LOAD ..................................................34
SAVE ..................................................34
SAVE FOR SED ..........................................35
PRINT .................................................35
CHANGE DIR ............................................35
QUIT ..................................................35
Edit Menu Commands ...............................35
UNDO CHANGE ...........................................36
COPY ROWS .............................................36
MOVE ROWS .............................................36
INSERT ROW ............................................36
ERASE ROWS ............................................37
View Menu Commands ...............................37
ALL ...................................................37
ROWS ..................................................37
Jump Menu Command ................................38
TO ROW NUMBER .........................................38
Special Menu Command .............................38
HELP ..................................................38
Chapter 6 Using Script Editor .............................39
SCRIPT EDITOR: AN OVERVIEW ...........................39
SCRIPT EDITOR: BASIC TASKS ...........................39
Show Partner Lite Page 3
FILE MENU COMMANDS ...............................47
NEW ...................................................47
LOAD ..................................................47
SAVE ..................................................48
SAVE AS ...............................................48
PRINT .................................................48
CHANGE DIR ............................................48
QUIT ..................................................48
Edit Menu Commands ...............................49
UNDO ..................................................49
COPY ROWS .............................................49
MOVE ROWS .............................................49
INSERT ROW ............................................49
ERASE ROWS ............................................50
SAVE ROWS .............................................50
INSERT SCRIPT .........................................50
View Menu Commands ...............................50
ALL ...................................................50
ROWS ..................................................50
OPTIMIZE 256 ..........................................51
Jump Menu Commands ...............................51
TO ROW NUMBER .........................................51
TO LOCATION ...........................................51
SEARCH ................................................52
Special Menu Commands ............................52
CLIP BLOCK ............................................52
GED EDIT ..............................................54
AUTO-BUILD ............................................54
KEYBOARD HELP .........................................54
SYSTEM ................................................54
Chapter 7: Show Partner Lite Effect Reference ..............55
Show Partner Lite Screen Effects .................56
REPLACE ...............................................56
WIPE ..................................................56
H-SPLIT ...............................................56
V-SPLIT ...............................................57
SCROLL ................................................57
FADE ..................................................57
BOX ...................................................57
DIAGONAL ..............................................57
WEAVE .................................................58
MOVE ..................................................58
X-MOVE ................................................58
SHAKE .................................................58
DRIP ..................................................58
SPIRAL ................................................59
HALF ..................................................59
QUAD ..................................................59
Show Partner Lite Sound Effects ..................59
NOISE .................................................59
SLIDE .................................................59
BOMB ..................................................59
Show Partner Lite Flow Control Effects ...........59
Menu ..................................................60
PAGE ..................................................60
EXECUTE ...............................................61
GOTO ..................................................62
LOAD ..................................................63
SCRIPT ................................................63
Show Partner Lite Page 4
COMMAND ...............................................65
CALL AND RETURN .......................................65
END ...................................................66
ESCKY .................................................66
Show Partner Lite Special Effects ................67
PALSHF ................................................68
PALLOAD ...............................................68
COLSHF ................................................69
COLCHG ................................................70
COMMENT ...............................................71
INT ...................................................71
256FADE ...............................................72
Chapter 8 Using GraFIX Editor .............................73
GRAFIX EDITOR: AN OVERVIEW ...........................73
GRAFIX EDITOR: BASIC TASKS ...........................75
File Menu Commands ...............................78
NEW ...................................................78
LOAD . . . ............................................78
SAVE ..................................................78
SAVE AS . . . .........................................79
CHANGE DIR ............................................79
LOAD BLOCK ............................................79
SAVE BLOCK ............................................80
LOAD SCRN 2 ...........................................80
QUIT ..................................................81
Edit Menu Commands ...............................81
COPY ..................................................81
MOVE ..................................................81
ERASE .................................................82
ZOOM ..................................................82
UPEND .................................................82
REFLECT ...............................................83
ROTATE ................................................83
CENTER ................................................83
CLIP SCRN 2 ...........................................83
TRANSPARENT ...........................................84
Draw Menu Commands ...............................84
FREEHAND ..............................................84
LINE ..................................................84
BOX ...................................................84
CIRCLE ................................................85
PAINT .................................................85
REPAINT ...............................................85
WIDTH .................................................86
REPEAT ................................................86
Color Menu Commands ..............................86
SELECT COLOR ..........................................86
ALTER COLORS ..........................................86
SELECT PATTERN ........................................87
ALTER PATTERNS ........................................87
SWAP COLORS ...........................................88
LOAD PALETTE ..........................................88
SAVE PALETTE ..........................................88
Color Menu Commands (256-color Mode) .............89
MAKE COLOR ............................................89
REUSE COLOR ...........................................90
ALTER COLOR ...........................................90
SWAP COLOR ............................................90
GRAB COLOR ............................................91
Show Partner Lite Page 5
COLOR STATUS ..........................................91
SAVE PALETTE ..........................................91
Mode Menu Commands ...............................91
MORE RESOLUTION .......................................91
LESS RESOLUTION .......................................92
MORE COLORS ...........................................92
LESS COLORS ...........................................92
Special Menu Commands ............................93
TEXT FORMAT ...........................................93
CURSOR SPEED ..........................................94
EXPAND BLOCK ..........................................94
SHRINK BLOCK ..........................................94
SAVE CONFIG ...........................................94
STATUS ................................................94
Appendix A Display Adapters ...............................96
SUPPORTED DISPLAY ADAPTERS ............................96
Appendix B System Memory Requirements .....................97
SYSTEM MEMORY REQUIREMENTS ............................97
Appendix C Using Your Keyboard or Mouse ...................99
RULES FOR USING THE MOUSE BUTTONS .....................99
GRAFIX EDITOR KEY COMBINATIONS ........................100
Show Partner Lite Page 6
Before You Begin
Thank you for purchasing Show Partner Lite, the premier desktop
presentation software for IBM Personal Computers, IBM Personal Systems, and
100% compatible systems.
This User's Guide is both an introduction and a reference to Show Partner
Lite. In Chapter 1, you will take a tour of the Show Partner Lite programs
and learn how each one helps you create desktop presentations. In Chapter
2, you will learn how to install and begin using Show Partner Lite. In the
subsequent chapters, you will find detailed information about each Show
Partner Lite program.
Here's what you'll need to install and use Show Partner Lite:
* An IBM Personal Computer, Personal System, or 100% compatible.
* 320K of memory, assuming at least 256K of available memory. (On
sophisticated systems that include Enhanced Graphics Adapter or Video
Graphics Array graphics, this memory requirement may be higher.)
* One or more disk drives.
* Disk Operating System (DOS), version 2.0 or later.
This guide assumes you are familiar with basic MS-DOS commands. You may
want to keep your computer's user's guide and your MS-DOS manual at hand
to refer to while you are setting up and using Show Partner Lite.
* A system with the ability to display one of the following: IBM Color
Graphics Adapter (CGA) graphics; IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
graphics; Hercules Graphics Card monochrome graphics; IBM MultiColor
Graphics Array (MCGA) graphics; or IBM Video Graphics Array (VGA)
* An IBM Personal Computer Display, IBM Enhanced Color Display, a
display monitor from the IBM Personal System/2 series, or a 100%
* The Show Partner Lite software disks (Program Disk, Utility Disk, and
Learning/Clip Art Disk.)
Show Partner Lite Page 7
The following table lists the eight chapters in this guide and recommends
where to begin if you are trying to accomplish a specific task:
To: Begin with:
Gain an overview of Show Chapter 1, "A Quick Tour of
Partner Lite and a basic Show Partner Lite 3.7a"
understanding of its
Learn to set up and start Chapter 2, "Getting Started"
Show Partner Lite
Learn how to display a Chapter 3, "Using SHOW"
finished presentation
Learn how to capture screens Chapter 4, "Capturing
from other MS-DOS software Screens"
Learn to create full-screen Chapter 5, "Using Slide Show
slide shows Editor"
Learn to create the scripts Chapter 6, "Using Script
which control your more Editor"
complex presentations
Look up detailed information Chapter 7, "Show Partner
about Show Partner Lite Lite Effect Reference"
Learn to create and edit Chapter 8, "Using GraFIX
graphics screens Editor"
This User's Guide focuses upon actions performed with your keyboard.
Please note, however, that Show Partner Lite supports devices such as the
Microsoft Mouse and the Logitech Mouse.
Show Partner Lite Page 8
There are four special keys that are used in the Show Partner Lite
programs. The following table lists their mouse-based equivalents.
Key: Mouse-based equivalent
INS Left mouse button
ENTER Left mouse button
DEL Right mouse button
ESC Left and right mouse buttons
If you have a question about Show Partner Lite and can't find the answer in
this guide, call our Customer Support department at (800) 444-3490. They
will be ready to give you the support you need in order to get the most
from your Show Partner Lite software. When you call, please have this
manual at hand.
Show Partner Lite may include a file named README.DOC. You should read
this file for additional information that may have become after this manual
was printed.
To read this file on your screen:
1. Start DOS. (If necessary, refer to the DOS manual that came with your
2. Change the current directory to the directory where Show Partner Lite
was installed. For example, if the directory where you installed the
program is C:\SPLITE you would enter : CD \SPLITE <enter>
while on the C: drive.
3. Then type: TYPE README.DOC <enter>
If you want a printout of this file:
1. Start DOS. (If necessary, refer to the DOS manual that came with your
2. Change the current directory to the directory where Show Partner Lite
was installed. Then at the DOS prompt, type: TYPE README.DOC >PRN <enter>
This command tells MS-DOS to redirect the output of the TYPE command to
your printer.
Show Partner Lite Page 9
Chapter 1: A Quick Tour of Show Partner Lite 3.7a
This Quick Tour introduces you to Show Partner Lite. First, you'll view a
Show Partner Lite presentation on your system. Next, you'll learn how the
presentation you viewed was created. Finally, you'll be given a chance to
create a simple desktop presentation of your own.
To take the Quick Tour of Show Partner Lite:
1. Start MS-DOS.
If necessary, refer to the MS-DOS manual that came with your computer.
2. Change your current directory to the Show Partner Lite directory and
then type:
QKTOUR <enter>
The Quick tour of Show Partner Lite that you have just finished viewing was
created in much the same way as most Show Partner Lite presentations.
After planning the presentation with a simple storyboard, we captured
several screens and created several others with the GraFIX Editor. Next,
we used Slide Show Editor to create the simpler sequences in the
presentation; and we used the Script Editor to create the more complex
sequences. Finally, we copied the SHOW run-time module onto disk, along
with the files that are needed by the presentation, and then created the
QKTOUR.BAT batch file that loads SHOW and the appropriate script file.
In this section, you will be introduced to the five Show Partner Lite
programs used to create a desktop presentation.
Show partner gives you five tools for producing and displaying
presentations, each with its own special purpose.
CAPTURE is a memory-resident program that copies an image of a screen
from another software application such as Lotus 1-2-3 or WordPerfect.
The copied image is saved on disk for use by the other Show Partner Lite
CAPTURE creates picture files for later use by any other Show Partner
Lite program.
SLED (SLIDE SHOW EDITOR) takes your Show Partner Lite pictures and
assembles them into a slide show. Using a variety of effects, your
slide show can display your images in any order and then wait for a
predetermined length of time -- or until the viewer presses a key --
before displaying the next image.
Show Partner Lite Page 10
Slide Show Editor creates slide show files, which control the sequence,
timing, and means by which your images appear on screen during a
SED (SCRIPT EDITOR) performs many of the same functions as Slide Show
Editor, yet with more flexibility and power. Like Slide Show editor, it
allows you to assemble a series of images into a presentation. But
Script Editor allows you to display parts of images, where Slide Show
Editor requires you to display the full screen. Script Editor also
includes a full range of flow control and other special effects that may
come in handy as you become an accomplished Show Partner Lite user.
Script Editor creates script files, which like slide show files control
the sequence timing, and means by which your images appear. Yet script
files can be far more complex than slide show files, being able to
contain sound effects, a variety of special effects, and several
powerful flow control effects for controlling your presentation at run-
GED (GRAFIX EDITOR) is a full-featured paint program that edits the
graphics images you've captured with CAPTURE. It works with images
captured from a variety of different graphics modes, from medium
resolution 4-color screens and 256-color screens up to very high
resolution 16-color screens.
GraFIX Editor modifies graphics-based images created by CAPTURE, as well
as creating graphics-based images from scratch. Once saved, these
images are available for use by a slide show file or script file.
SHOW allows you to run Show Partner Lite slide shows and scripts from
the MS-DOS prompt without starting Slide Show Editor or Script Editor.
You are freely encouraged to copy SHOW -- and your slide shows and
pictures -- onto a disk that you can give to a customer or friend.
Now that you have taken the Quick Tour of Show Partner Lite 3.7a, and have
gained an overview of how the various Show Partner Lite programs work
together, it is time to use Show Partner Lite on your own. In this and the
following exercises, you will use Show Partner Lite to create a simple
presentation of your own.
With a special Show Partner Lite program called CAPTURE, you can take a
"snapshot" of nearly any screen displayed by your MS-DOS software. One of
the advantages of using an MS-DOS system to create a desktop presentation,
therefore, is that so many fine software products have been developed for
the Microsoft operating system.
Show Partner Lite Page 11
Like such software as Borland SideKick and Lotus Metro, CAPTURE is a
Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) application. As such, CAPTURE remains
resident in your system's Random Access Memory (RAM) after you quit using
Once CAPTURE has been loaded into resident memory, you can start another
software application -- like Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, or dBASE III Plus.
Even though you don't see CAPTURE on screen, it continues to run, waiting
to save a copy of what is displayed on the screen by that application to
You can also capture screens displayed by MS-DOS. In this exercise you
will ask MS-DOS for a directory listing, and then capture the listing.
1. Begin at the MS-DOS prompt. Insert your Program disk in drive A, then
close the disk drive door.
2. Type a: and press ENTER to make A the current drive.
3. Type capture and press ENTER.
You will see the following screen:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
4. Press any key to continue.
CAPTURE is now loaded into memory, where it is ready to respond when you
press its trigger keys.
To learn what it means to capture a screen:
1. Type dir and press ENTER to display a listing of the current
2. Hold down the CTRL and ALT keys, then press the MINUS (-) key located
to the right of your numeric keypad.
3. Press ENTER.
This step tells MS-DOS to allow CAPTURE to take over the screen. At
other times, you will not need this step when using CAPTURE.
4. Type dir and press ENTER twice to highlight the SAVE command button.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
5. Press ENTER once again to save the directory listing.
6. CAPTURE will ask you if you wish to translate this screen to graphics
mode. Press 'N' and then ENTER to save the screen as a text screen.
Show Partner Lite Page 12
With this final step you have created a copy of the image that was on
your screen when you called upon CAPTURE. Now, after you name the file,
the screen is saved in a format that Slide Show Editor and CAPTURE can
work with.
In this exercise you will use the Slide Show Editor to create a simple one-
screen slide show.
1. Make sure that your current directory contains the Show Partner Lite
programs. If you installed Show Partner Lite in C:\SPLITE then type:
CD \SPLITE<enter> to make that directory current.
2. Type: SLED<enter>
The Slide Show Editor editing screen appears on your monitor.
Your editing screen is set up in the form of a table, with six columns and
twenty rows visible. You will enter the name of the screen you have just
captured into the first column, or field, of this table.
1. After making sure that the highlight is in the Picture field of the
first row, press the INS (Insert) key to view a list of pictures on the
current disk drive.
2. With DIR highlighted, press ENTER.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
3. Press the TAB key once to move into the Title field.
4. Type My First Screen and press the TAB key again to move into the
Effect field.
5. Press the INS key to view a list of effects. Press the DOWN arrow
repeatedly until the Diagonal effect is highlighted, then press ENTER.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
6. Now press the END key to quickly move the highlight into the Time
field. Type 30 and press ENTER.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
7. Press Ctrl-V (hold down the CTRL key and press 'V') to open the View
menu. With the highlight over the 'All' command, press ENTER.
Show Partner Lite displays a menu screen listing the title of your
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
8. Press ENTER.
The screen you captured in Exercise 1 is displayed for three seconds.
Show Partner Lite then returns you to the menu screen.
Show Partner Lite Page 13
9. Press ESC.
Show Partner Lite returns you to the slide show editing screen.
You'll save your work by choosing the Save Slide show command.
1. Press Ctrl-F to open the File menu.
2. Press 'S' to highlight the Save command.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Type myfirst and press ENTER three times to carry out the command.
The procedure used to choose any command is similar to the procedure you
followed in Exercise 3 to save your slide show file:
* Press the Ctrl key plus the first key of the menu you wish to open.
* Press the first letter of the command you wish to select, or use the
arrow keys to highlight a different command. Then press ENTER.
If you aren't sure of the name of the menu you wish to open, here's another
way to choose menu commands:
1. Press the Del key to turn on the menu bar. Then use the RIGHT and
LEFT arrow keys to highlight different menus.
2. Press ENTER to open a menu once it is highlighted. Then use the UP
and DOWN arrow keys to highlight different commands on an open menu.
3. To choose a highlighted command from an open menu, press ENTER.
4. Press ESC once to close an open menu. Press ESC again to turn off the
menu bar and begin editing again.
In this exercise you will load an existing slide show and then view it on
your own screen.
Before beginning this exercise, you should make sure that you have started
Slide Show Editor, using the procedures described in the above exercises.
1. Remove the Program disk from drive A, then insert the Learning/Clip
Art disk and close the door to drive A.
2. Press Ctrl-F to open the File menu, then press 'L' to highlight the
Load menu.
Show Partner Lite Page 14
3. Press ENTER with the Load menu highlighted.
The following screen will appear.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
4. Press the DEL key to view a list of slide show files on the
Learning/Clip Art disk.
5. Move the highlight over GRAPHS and press ENTER.
6. Now press the Enter key twice more to highlight the OK command button,
then press the ENTER key again.
Now that you've loaded a slide show file from disk, you can view it from
within Slide Show Editor.
1. Press the Ctrl-V key to open the View menu.
2. With the 'All' command highlighted, press ENTER to view your slide
3. When Show Partner Lite returns you to the menu screen, press ESC to
return to the editing screen.
One of the most interesting things about Slide Show Editor is its ability
to link to script files created with Script Editor. (You many think of
Script Editor as an advanced version of Slide Show Editor, containing an
identical set of screen effects but a great many more sound, special, and
flow control effects.
In this exercise, you will link GRAPHS slide show to the QKTOUR script. As
you begin this exercise, you should have completed the procedures found in
the first five exercises.
1. Press Ctrl-END to move the highlight to the final row of the slide
show you have been working on.
2. After moving the highlight into the Picture field, type QKTOUR.SPS and
then press the TAB key.
3. With the highlight now in the Title field, type A Quick Tour of Show
Partner Lite and press the TAB key.
4. With the highlight in the Effect field, type script and press ENTER.
5. Now press Alt-A (the shortcut to the View All command) to view your
slide show.
After displaying the GRAPHS slide show, Show Partner Lite will begin
running the Quick Tour.
6. Press the ESC key to end the Quick Tour.
Show Partner Lite Page 15
Notice that Show Partner Lite returns you to the menu screen of your
GRAPHS slide show.
7. Press the ESC key to return to Slide Show Editor.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Take a few moments to save your slide show to disk, so it will be there
when you want to use it again.
1. Choose the Save command from the File menu.
2. Press the BACKSPACE key to remove the proposed filename, then type
3. Press ENTER twice to highlight the OK button and press ENTER to save
your slide show as NEWSHOW.SLD.
To quit Slide Show Editor:
1. Press Ctrl-F to open the file menu, then press Q to highlight the Quit
2. Press ENTER.
Slide Show Editor returns you to the MS-DOS prompt.
You can use the SHOW program to view the slide show you have created.
1. Type show newshow and press ENTER.
The slide show file you created is displayed on screen.
2. Press ESC.
3. Point to any comment listed on the carousel screen, then press ENTER
to view the picture associated with that comment.
4. Press ESC twice to end your presentation.
SHOW will return you to the MS-DOS prompt.
You can use your keyboard to control a slide show as SHOW displays it.
Four keys take on special roles while you are viewing a slide show:
Show Partner Lite Page 16
Key: Effect:
ESCAPE Halts the show.
SPACEBAR Pauses the show. (Press any
key -- except ESCAPE, PgUp,
PgDn, or the SPACEBAR -- to
PGUP Jumps forward in show to the
next row in the slide show
PGDN Jumps backward in show to
the previous row in the
slide show file.
Show Partner Lite Page 17
Chapter 2: Getting Started
In Chapter 1 you were taken on a brief tour of Show Partner Lite: you
learned how to run a show, capture a screen, display the screen in a slide
show, and then link a slide show to a Show Partner Lite script. Now it's
time to install Show Partner Lite on your system, and to learn more about
the individual programs that make up Show Partner Lite.
When you are done with this chapter, you'll understand when to use and how
to start each Show Partner Lite program. In later chapters, you will learn
detailed information about using each of the Show Partner Lite programs.
Show Partner Lite consists of six applications, each with its own
particular role:
Use this application: If you want to:
CAPTURE Capture a "snapshot" of a
(Program Disk) screen from other MS-DOS
SLED Assemble screens into a
(Program disk) slide show -- type
SED Assemble screens into a
(Program disk) script-based presentation.
GED Create and modify graphics-
(Program disk) based images
SHOW Display a finished
(Program disk) presentation from MS-DOS
Starting a Show Partner Lite program is as easy as inserting the
appropriate disk, typing the name of the program (listed in the above
table), and pressing ENTER.
For example, to start the CAPTURE program:
1. Insert the Program disk in drive A. Close the drive door.
2. Type a: and press ENTER.
This step makes A the current drive.
3. Type capture and press ENTER.
Show Partner Lite Page 18
This CAPTURE title screen will appear on your display monitor.
To start one of the other Show Partner Lite applications, insert the disk
specified in the table above into the A drive, make A the current drive,
type the program's name, and press ENTER.
If you are working with a hard disk, use the CHDIR command to change to the
\SHOW directory before typing the program name.
Before continuing on with the following chapters, in which you will find
detailed information about each of the Show Partner Lite programs, you will
find it helpful to spend a few minutes examining the issue of what video
modes you can use in your Show Partner Lite presentations.
The first thing that must be said is that a significant constraint upon
what you can create with Show Partner Lite is the nature of the graphics
system you are working with. If you are working with an advanced system
that can display IBM Video Graphics Array (VGA) graphics, you have a vast
range of choices. If, on the other hand, you are working simply with a
system based on the IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) or the Hercules
Monochrome Adapter, your choices are more limited.
What determines the resolution and available colors on your screen is your
system's graphics adapter, the device that is the intermediary between your
system's Central Processing Unit (CPU) and your display monitor. Each
graphics adapter supported by Show Partner Lite can display images in at
least two modes: in character mode, the adapter displays characters at
specified coordinates on the screen. In a graphics mode, the adapter
displays colored pixels at specified points on the screen.
An MS-DOS application can use either character mode or a graphics mode to
display what you see on screen. Nearly all MS-DOS software uses character
mode for at least some of its screens; a smaller, yet sizable, number use
one or more graphics modes. Some applications, such as Lotus 1-2-3, use
both character mode and graphics modes.
The system of video modes that IBM has created on its Personal Computers
and Personal Systems is not a simple one. To add to the confusion, a
monochrome graphics mode created by Hercules Corporation has caught on as
an industry standard and hence is supported by Brightbill-Roberts software
The remainder of this chapter explores the video modes available on IBM
microcomputers and on compatible systems, starting with character mode and
proceeding through the various graphics modes that are available.
Although character modes and graphics modes are similar in that they are
formed of dots of light displayed on your screen, they have different
properties in terms of how software can display an image. Whereas in a
graphics mode each dot of light, or pixel (for picture element), can be
Show Partner Lite Page 19
individually addressed by a software application, in a character mode the
pixels are not directly addressed. Rather, a software application displays
a character from a pre-defined list of characters. Furthermore, the
character may only appear in a limited number of locations on the display.
Show Partner Lite does not support the IBM 40-column character modes (Modes
0 and 1 in the IBM nomenclature). It does, on the other hand, support each
of the IBM 80-column character modes (Modes 2, 3, and 7).
In an 80-column character mode a software application can display a
character from those made available by the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)
at the juncture of any of the 25 rows and 80 columns. It cannot display
the character elsewhere. As it displays a character, the application can
assign an attribute (foreground color, background color, blinking, etc.) to
the character.
Show Partner Lite's CAPTURE program allows you to capture character mode
screens from software like Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, dBASE III Plus, and
many other products. Its GraFIX Editor program, on the other hand, works
only with graphics screens. Slide Show Editor, Script Editor, and SHOW
each make full use of character mode screens that have been created with
Character Modes Supported by Show Partner Lite
There are two character modes supported by Show Partner Lite.
Mode Rows Cols Boards Colors
2,3 25 80 CGA, EGA, Herc, VGA 16
This section details the IBM and Hercules graphics modes supported by Show
Partner Lite.
IBM CGA modes
The IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) makes two graphics modes available to
the software application. These modes, available on all systems with CGA,
EGA, MCGA, or VGA graphics capabilities, are: (1) 320 x 200, 4-color, and
(2) 640 x 200, 2-color.
All Show Partner Lite programs fully support these two modes.
IBM EGA modes
The IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) graphics modes are essentially a
superset of the CGA modes. It adds several new graphics modes to the two
CGA modes. A medium-resolution (320 x 200), 16-color mode is available. A
high resolution (640 x 200), 16-color mode is also available. And two new
high resolution modes (640 x 350) and available. On monochrome systems,
Show Partner Lite can run at a resolution of 640 x 350. And on systems
with an Enhanced Color Display, a NEC MultiSync, or an equivalent display
monitor, Show Partner Lite supports 16 colors (from a palette of 64 colors)
at a resolution of 640 x 250.
Show Partner Lite Page 20
All Show Partner Lite programs fully support each of the EGA modes.
IBM MCGA modes
The IBM MultiColor Graphics Array (MCGA) is a superset of the IBM Color
Graphics Adapter; as such, it supports the two CGA graphics modes. It also
contains two other modes. The first, called Mode 17, is a high-resolution
(640 x 480), 2-color graphics mode. The second mode is a 320 x 200, 256-
color (from a palette of 256k colors) graphics mode. This mode is easily
the most spectacular mode for color graphics currently available on IBM
Personal Computers or Personal Systems.
Show Partner Lite fully supports the graphics modes available on MCGA
systems such as the IBM PS/2 Models 25 and 30.
IBM VGA modes
IBM's Video Graphics Array (VGA) includes all capabilities of the CGA, EGA,
and MCGA, plus one mode available only on VGA-compatible systems. This
special mode is a 640 x 480 resolution, 16-color graphics mode.
Show Partner Lite supports each graphics mode available on VGA systems such
as the IBM PS/2 Models 50, 60, and 80. Show Partner Lite also supports the
SigmaVGA graphics card from Sigma Designs.
Hercules Monochrome Graphics Mode
The Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter can display a special graphics
mode supported by Show Partner Lite. This mode features high-resolution
(720 x 348), monochrome graphics.
If you are using Lotus 1-2-3 on a monochrome system that can display
graphics, chances are good that yours is a Hercules monochrome graphics
Each Show Partner Lite program supports the Hercules graphics mode.
A special feature of the SHOW program is how it handles slide shows and
scripts created on CGA systems. Remarkably, SHOW can display CGA-based
presentations on Hercules-based systems; it does this by fooling the
Hercules card into behaving like a CGA card.
Graphics Modes Supported by Show Partner Lite
The following table lists each of the graphics modes that Show Partner Lite
supports. The modes available to you as you create presentations depends,
of course, on the graphics board installed in your system.
Show Partner Lite Page 21
Mode Resolution Boards Colors
4 320 x 200 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA 4
6 640 x 200 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA 2
13 320 x 200 EGA, VGA 16
14 640 x 200 EGA, VGA 16
15 640 x 200 EGA, VGA Monochrome
16 640 x 350 EGA, VGA 16 (of 64)
17 640 x 480 MCGA, VGA 2 (of 256k)
18 640 x 480 MCGA, VGA 16 (of 256k)
19 320 x 200 MCGA, VGA 256 (of 256k)
Herc 720 x 348 Herc Monochrome
ATT 640 x 400 AT&T, Compaq 2
Show Partner Lite Page 22
Chapter 3: Using SHOW
One of the remarkable things about a Show Partner Lite presentation is that
you don't have to own the product to view one. The reason is a special
program called SHOW that is included with your copy of Show Partner Lite.
The purpose of the SHOW program is simple: it allows you to run a Show
Partner Lite presentation directly from the MS-DOS prompt, without starting
the programs that created the presentation.
Therefore, a Show Partner Lite presentation may be stored on floppy disk
and run on any system with the required graphics capabilities. Since your
license to use Show Partner Lite includes the right to freely distribute
SHOW, you have in effect gained a new mode of distribution with your
purchase of Show Partner Lite. Just place SHOW and a presentation on a
disk, and send copies to whomever you like.
In this chapter you'll learn how to start and control SHOW. At the end of
the chapter, we will explain how to start the various presentations that we
have placed on your Learning/Clip Art disk. You can view these
presentations at your convenience to learn more about Show Partner Lite.
You are free to distribute SHOW of disk to any person or entity without
paying royalties to Brightbill-Roberts & Company. They may use SHOW as
they see fit.
This policy is meant to encourage you to create Show Partner Lite scripts
and to publish and distribute them as widely as possible.
In return, we ask that you respect three simple requests:
1. Please do not distribute copies of any of the other Show Partner Lite
programs unless you are distributing the full and complete shareware
files. The programs and files on the registered version of Show Partner
Lite should never be distributed to anyone else; with the exception of
the SHOW.EXE program.
2. If you are distributing the shareware files to a third party along
with your own work, your work must be physically separate from the
shareware files (or disks) and must not seem to be the same product.
3. Please do not modify any of the programs and files in any way. This
voids your warranty and, if distributed, violates our copyright.
You can transfer your script and picture files onto a disk, then present
your show on a color or monochrome monitor. If you have access to a
projection unit that you can attach to your personal computer, you can
display your show on a large screen. If you wish, you can copy your show
to disks and distribute them to customers and friends.
To run a script from a floppy disk, you must copy SHOW onto the disk along
with the files in your presentation. To run a script from a disk
containing SHOW:
Show Partner Lite Page 23
1. Insert the disk containing your script in a drive, then make that
drive the current one.
2. Type show <filename> and press ENTER
(where filename is the name of the script you wish to run).
The SHOW credits screen appears:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Several keys control a running presentation. Four keys take on special
roles while you are viewing a script:
Key Effect
ESCAPE Halts the show. (Note: By
using the EscKy effect, you
can change the function of
the ESC key so it will do
something other than halt
your show. See Chapter 5,
"Using Script Editor," for
details on the EscKy
SPACEBAR Pauses the show. (Press any
key -- except ESCAPE, PgUp,
PgDn, or the SPACEBAR -- to
PgUp Jumps forward to show the
next Page effect. (See
Chapter 5, "Using Script
Editor," for details on the
Page effect.)
PgDn Jumps backward to show the
most recent page effect.
(See Chapter 6, "Using
Script Editor," for details
on the Page effect.)
After you've created a Show Partner Lite script, you may want to distribute
it to other users of IBM PCs, IBM PS/2s and compatible systems.
To create a distribution disk:
1. Format a blank disk.
Show Partner Lite Page 24
This will become your master disk. (Refer to your DOS manual for
information about the FORMAT command.)
2. Copy the file named SHOW.EXE from the Show Partner Lite Program disk
onto the newly formatted disk.
3. Copy the scripts, pictures, and any other files (such as palettes,
fonts, text files, etc.) used in your presentation onto the master disk.
For a list of the picture files used in a given show, use the Print
command found in Slide Show Editor and Script Editor to produce listings
of the scripts used in the presentation.
Once you've made a master disk and verified that it operates correctly, use
the DOS DISKCOPY command to make copies of your show.
Each disk that you distribute containing the SHOW program must be labeled
as follows:
Show Partner Lite run-time module (SHOW.EXE)
(c) Copyright Brightbill-Roberts & Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
You may have purchased the NoShow option when you ordered your copy of
SHOW. This option allows you to remove the Brightbill-Roberts & Company
credits screen from your shows. If you wish, you may substitute your own
title screen for our credits screen.
If you have a few moments to spare, we suggest that you use SHOW to view
some of the presentations we have placed on your "Learning/Clip Art" disk.
Begin by listing all the slide show files (.SLD extension) and script files
(.SPS) extension, using the DIR command. Then type show followed by the
name of the slide show or script. To return to MS-DOS once the
presentation is in progress, press the ESC key. Then use SHOW to view
another slide show or script.
Show Partner Lite Page 25
Chapter 4: Using CAPTURE
In Chapter 3, you learned about SHOW, the program that displays a completed
Show Partner Lite presentation. In doing so, you may have noticed screens
that seemed to come from popular MS-DOS software such as WordPerfect, Lotus
1-2-3, and Microsoft Chart.
These screens became part of a Show Partner Lite presentation by means of a
special program that gives you the ability to take a "snapshot" of a screen
produced by other MS-DOS software. It's called CAPTURE, appropriately
enough; in this chapter you will find all you need to know about this very
helpful utility.
Once you have decided to use Show Partner Lite to create a desktop
presentation, you should draw up a simple storyboard that includes a short
description of the screens you will need. You have a basic choice: you can
create a needed screen with the Show Partner Lite GraFIX Editor program; or
you can capture the screen after creating it with another software
There are thousands of MS-DOS software applications whose screens can be
captured. If your software can display a screen of meaningful information
-- a document, spreadsheet, drawing, chart, or whatever -- you can probably
make good use of that screen in a presentation.
Capturing a screen is a three step process:
1. Load CAPTURE into resident memory.
2. From the MS-DOS prompt, start any MS-DOS software application.
3. After displaying a screen you wish to capture, simultaneously press
Ctrl, Alt, and MINUS -- the CAPTURE trigger keys.
The CAPTURE trigger keys are three special keys that tell CAPTURE to copy
the currently displayed screen on disk. By pressing the CAPTURE trigger
keys, you are telling the operating system to halt the program you are
running and pass control to CAPTURE.
Once CAPTURE has control, it prompts you for a directory and filename under
which to save a copy of the screen.
Before you use CAPTURE for yourself, you should make sure that its assigned
trigger keys do not conflict with key sequences used by other software you
To trigger the Press
Show Partner Lite Page 26
Notes: On the standard IBM PC keyboards, there are two distinct sets of
PLUS and MINUS keys; one set is associated with the numbers across the top
row of the keyboard, the other set with the numbers on the keypad found at
the keyboard's right edge. Show Partner Lite recognizes only the PLUS and
MINUS keys next to the numeric keypad as trigger keys.
Once you have made sure that the CAPTURE trigger keys are not likely to
conflict with other software you use, you are ready to capture a screen.
Recall from the description above that loading CAPTURE into resident memory
is the first step in capturing a screen:
1. Insert your Program disk into drive A, then make drive A the current
2. Type capture and press ENTER.
3. Press any key to return to MS-DOS.
To load CAPTURE from a hard disk:
1. Make the directory containing the files from the system disk the
current directory.
2. Type capture and press ENTER.
3. Press any key to return to MS-DOS.
Once you have loaded CAPTURE into resident memory, you can activate it by
pressing its trigger keys. To capture a screen:
1. With CAPTURE resident in memory, display the screen you want to
2. Press the CAPTURE trigger keys.
The CAPTURE screen should appear immediately. If it does not, this is
an indication that the operating system is busy and cannot be safely
interrupted. Under some conditions, you can press ENTER at this point
and thus force CAPTURE to come forward. (For more information about
conditions under which CAPTURE will not come forward, see the following
section, "If CAPTURE Doesn't Come Forward."
3. The CAPTURE screen prompts you to enter a filename.
Type and valid filename, but do not add a file extension: Capture adds
the extension .GX2 to the filename automatically.
4. Press ENTER.
Accept the proposed directory name, or change it if you prefer.
5. Press ENTER to highlight the Save command button.
Show Partner Lite Page 27
6. Press ENTER to save the captured screen.
If CAPTURE fails to come forward when you use the procedure described
above, you may try an alternative set of trigger keys. Be careful,
however: this procedure may fail and force you to reset your computer.
(Be sure to save your work before attempting this procedure.)
To capture a screen by making CAPTURE more aggressive:
1. Press Ctrl-Alt-ENTER.
This key combination tells CAPTURE to ignore its usual monitoring of the
operating system and to capture the screen if at all possible.
If even the Ctrl-ALT-ENTER trigger keys fails to bring CAPTURE forward it
means that, for some reason, your foreground application finds it necessary
to keep the keyboard all to itself.
CAPTURE will not come forward, for example, if you are running Microsoft
Windows. (You should use WINCAP, a special utility available from
Brightbill-Roberts & Company, to capture screens from that operating
environment.) Microsoft Flight Simulator is another example of a program
whose screens you cannot capture.
Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE III, Crosstalk XVI and many of today's other software
applications rely primarily on character mode for their screens.
(Nevertheless, some character-based applications like Lotus 1-2-3 will
switch to graphics mode when needed.)
CAPTURE senses when you are capturing a character-based screen, and informs
you of the fact. It does so because you have a choice when capturing
character mode screens; and there are both advantages and disadvantages
with each choice.
* You can save the screen as is, in text mode. This creates an exact
copy of the screen on disk.
If you do so, you will edit your screen with TexPaint rather than GraFIX
Editor. You will not be able to "clip" the screen inside Script Editor:
the Clip Block command only works with graphics-based screens. Nor will
you be able to use animated objects or the Article effect with text
Note, finally, that character-based screens generally take up less space
on disk than do their graphics-based associates.
Or you can convert the screen into graphics mode. CAPTURE will
translate your screen into a black and white image with a resolution of
640 x 200.
Once converted to graphics mode, you can then edit the screen with
GraFIX Editor -- and not with TexPaint. You will lose some resolution
Show Partner Lite Page 28
and some color however, since text mode features more colors and
resolution than the 640 x 200, 2-color graphics mode.
You will, on the other hand, be able to use animated objects on top of
any text screens you have converted when capturing them. And the
Article effect works just fine with 640 x 200, 2-color graphics-based
CAPTURE uses memory differently for each graphics card it supports. In
essence, it reserves a buffer large enough to capture the most memory-
intensive screen it may encounter.
Since higher-resolution screens and screens with more colors require more
memory to store their data, CAPTURE will take up far more room in memory on
a Video Graphics Array or Enhanced Graphics Adapter system than it will on
a Color Graphics Adapter or Hercules system.
In some cases CAPTURE will take up memory that another application needs;
as a result, you will find that CAPTURE cannot fit "behind" the other
Note: Since CAPTURE will make use of expanded memory if present, you
should make use of a system that has expanded memory if at all possible
when capturing screens from memory-intensive software.
CAPTURE will remain in memory until you turn off your system or until you
remove CAPTURE from your system's memory.
Since CAPTURE occupies memory in your computer, and since memory can become
scarce due to MS-DOS's 640k limit on addressable memory space, we have
provided you with a means of removing CAPTURE from memory.
To remove CAPTURE from memory, you should first quit any application you
are running and return to the operating system prompt.
1. Press CTRL-ALT-MINUS together to activate CAPTURE.
2. Press the DOWN arrow twice, then press the RIGHT arrow twice to
highlight the UNLOAD button.
3. Press ENTER to remove CAPTURE from memory.
An error message will appear if the foreground program won't allow CAPTURE
to be removed from memory. If this happens to you, quit the foreground
program and then repeat the CAPTURE de-allocation procedure described
Show Partner Lite Page 29
Chapter 5: Using Slide Show Editor
In Chapter 4, you learned how to display a finished presentation from MS-
DOS, using the SHOW run-time module. In this chapter you will learn about
Slide Show Editor, one of the two programs that assemble screens of text
and graphics into the desktop presentations that SHOW can display.
In its simplest form, the process of creating a desktop presentation may be
as simple as creating a series of screens with CAPTURE and assembling them
into a given sequence with Slide Show Editor. Yet, as you will learn in
this chapter, Slide Show Editor has enough power to create presentations
that feature interesting dissolves from one screen to the next, timing that
you or your viewer can control, and a wonderfully simple means of creating
a menu-driven presentation.
This section describes a small set of basic tasks. Once you have mastered
these tasks, you will be able to explore Slide Show Editor on your own.
To start Slide Show Editor:
1. Start MS-DOS.
If necessary, refer to the DOS manual that came with your computer in
order to perform this step.
2. If you have a floppy disk system, insert your Program disk in drive A
and make drive A the active drive. Or if you have a hard-disk system,
make sure that the current directory contains the Show Partner Lite
program files.
3. Type sled and press ENTER.
When you start Slide Show Editor, a special editing screen appears.
Each slide show has 400 rows that may be filled in as you work with Slide
Show Editor. Twenty rows and six columns are visible at one time.
At the top of each of the six columns in this table is the name of the
field represented by the given column.
The status area at the bottom of the editing screen provides three
important pieces of information:
* It displays the name of the current slide show, if the slide show
you're working on has been saved.
* It indicates the current row.
* It identifies the current directory.
Show Partner Lite Page 30
When you press the DEL key, a menu bar appears across the top of the
screen; this menu bar lists the menus from which you can choose commands.
While the menu bar is on the screen, you cannot edit your presentation. To
begin editing, you must first close the menu bar.
Use the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys to highlight a different menu title.
Then press ENTER to open the menu that is highlighted.
Once a menu is open, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight different
commands on the open menu. When the command you wish to choose is
highlighted, press ENTER.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
If you prefer, you can choose commands without using the DEL key and arrow
keys. Press the Ctrl key and the first letter of a menu to open that menu.
For example, Ctrl-F will open the File menu, Ctrl-E will open the Edit
menu, Ctrl-V will open the View menu, and so on.
Once a menu is open, press the first letter of a command to highlight that
command. Then press ENTER to choose the command.
A dialog box appears after you choose a command if Slide Show Editor needs
more information. For example, after you choose the Load command, Slide
Show Editor displays a dialog box because it needs to know what slide show
file to load.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Press TAB to move the highlight from field to field within this dialog box.
Press ENTER when a command button -- such as "OK" or "Cancel" -- is
highlighted. And press the DEL key to view a list of choices for a field,
such as the Filename field in the preceding illustration, that are within
the current directory.
To close a dialog box or list box without choosing a command or option:
1. Press ESC.
After choosing a command, you are returned to the editing screen. The
labels and values you add to this screen determine the form and content of
your presentation.
Show Partner Lite Page 31
As you work in a slide show, you will often find it necessary to work on
rows that are not currently displayed on the screen. Slide Show Editor
provides you with several different ways to move around a slide show:
* You can use your DOWN and UP arrow keys to scroll to parts of the
slide show that are not visible on the screen.
* You can use the keyboard movement keys -- such as the PgDn, PgUp,
Home, End keys -- to quickly move through a slide show.
* Or you can use the Jump to Row command to quickly move to a specified
You add information to the fields in the editing screen in one of two ways:
* You can select a field, then type in a label or value appropriate for
the field you selected.
* You can select a field, then press the INS key to choose a label or
value for the field you selected.
If you are sure about what label or value to enter into a field, you might
find that you can type it without difficulty. In most instances, however,
you will find it easier to press the INS key to choose labels and values
for the fields in your slide show.
You can clear the dialog box that appears when you press INS by pressing
the ESC key.
The Picture field stores the names of the pictures to be displayed.
To choose a picture filename:
1. Select the Picture field of a row.
2. Press the INS key.
A list of picture files on the current directory appears.
3. Point to the filename of a captured picture, then press the INS key.
Adding Titles to your slide show is a good way to create an index for your
To add a title:
1. Select the Title field of the row you want to add a title to.
Show Partner Lite Page 32
2. Type your title.
3. Press ENTER when your title is complete.
You can also edit existing titles.
1. Move the highlight over an existing title.
2. Press INS.
A box will appear around the title.
3. You can now edit your title like it was a word processing document,
instead of retyping it should you need to change it.
Press HOME to move to the first character in the title field. Press END
to move to the last character. Use the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys to
move right and left. Press DEL to delete a letter. Press INS to insert
a blank space.
When Show Partner Lite displays a slide show, it begins with a list of
titles you've added. Your viewer can use the arrow keys to point to a
title and press ENTER to begin with that title.
After deciding what picture to display, you will choose an option in the
Effect field, The option you choose determines how your picture will
replace the previous picture on the screen.
To choose an effect:
1. Select the Effect field to any row with a filename in the Picture
2. Press the INS key.
3. Highlight any effect from the list that appears, then press the INS
key to move it into the Effect field of the current row.
For a complete list of the effects available from within Slide Show Editor,
please refer to Chapter 7, "Show Partner Lite Effect Reference."
When you choose one of the screen effects you may be able to assign a
direction to it. If, after entering a screen effect into the Effect field
you notice a label in the Dir field, you'll know that you can edit the
label in the Dir field.
To choose a direction for an effect:
1. Highlight a label appearing in the Dir field of any row.
2. Press the INS key.
3. Select a direction from the list that appears, then press the INS key.
Show Partner Lite Page 33
Once you've chosen a picture and specified its effect and direction, the
final decision you must make involves the timing by which the image will
The value in the Speed field tells Show Partner Lite how fast to carry out
an effect.
To enter a value into the Speed field:
1. Select the Speed field of a row.
2. Press the INS key to view a list of available speeds.
3. Select the Speed option you wish to use, then press the INS key to
move that option into the Speed field of the current row.
The value in the Time field tells Show Partner Lite the length of time that
should be devoted to a row. The Time field should be used to put in any
delays your audience will need to absorb the ideas and facts you are
To enter a value into the Time field:
1. Select the Time field of a row.
2. Press the INS key to increase the value of the Time field increments
of 10. Or, if you prefer, enter a number between 0 and 9999. Entering
a negative number in this field results in a value of "Key." That is,
the show will pause until a key is pressed.
Note: Values in the TIME column are stated in units of one-tenth of one
second. An increment of 10, in other words, is equal to one second of
time. This is true regardless of the system on which you use Show Partner
If you have developed a simple slide show that you would like to
incorporate into a presentation that also uses some of the more complex
features available in Script Editor, you can easily link the slide show to
one or more scripts.
In the following slide show, the Script effect is used to branch from a
slide show to one of three scripts (depending on whether the viewer presses
'1', '2', or '3' at the menu screen:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Show Partner Lite Page 34
The File menu commands are used to load and save Slide Show Editor files,
change the directory, and quit Slide Show Editor.
To start a new slide show, you must first clear the slide show editing
screen. The New command clears the current slide show from the slide show
editing screen. If the current slide show has not been saved a dialog box
will appear to remind you to save the current slide show.
Alt-N is the shortcut to the New command.
The Load command loads a slide show from the current directory and displays
it on the slide show editing screen. If the current slide show has not
been saved a dialog box will appear.
Alt-L is the shortcut to the Load command.
To open an existing slide show stored on the current directory:
1. Choose the Load command from the File menu. A Filename dialog box
2. Press the DEL key to view a list of slide show files on the current
directory, then highlight the file you want to load. Press ENTER.
3. Press TAB until the OK button is highlighted, then press ENTER.
The Save command saves the active slide show in the current directory.
Slide Show Editor saves the slide show with the name you used the last time
you saved it, and replaces the old copy of the slide show on the disk. To
save both the old and new files, alter the slide show file name.
Alt-S is the shortcut to the Save command.
To save changes to an existing slide show file:
1. Choose the Save command from the File menu.
2. Click the OK button if you want to write over the old file.
Show Partner Lite saves your changes, and you can continue working on the
When you save a slide show file, Show Partner Lite will add the extension
"SLD" for you automatically.
Show Partner Lite Page 35
Save for SED saves the current slide show as a Show Partner Lite script
file; once saved in this format, you can load it into Script Editor and add
the effects that are not available in Slide Show Editor.
The Print command lets you print a slide show or any part of a slide show.
Once the command is chosen, a dialog box appears requesting specifications
for page length and the rows on which to begin and end.
Alt-P is the shortcut to the Print command.
The Change Dir command lets you change directories so you can work with the
files located in another directory.
To change the current directory:
1. Choose the Change Dir command from the File menu. A dialog box
2. Press the BACKSPACE key to delete the current directory name.
3. Type the new directory name.
For more information about directories and path names, see the MS-DOS
manual that came with your computer.
4. Press TAB until the OK button is highlighted, then press ENTER.
The Quit command ends a Slide Show Editor session. If you have made
changes to your slide show without saving them, Slide Show Editor presents
a dialog box.
ESC is the shortcut to the Quit command.
Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands
The Edit menu contains commands that allow you to work with more than one
record at a time. You can erase, move, or copy a block of records; and you
can save a block to disk or read an existing slide show file into the
editing screen as a block.
Show Partner Lite Page 36
The UNDO CHANGE command undoes the previous editing action, such as
inserting a row.
The Copy Rows command is used to copy one or more rows to another location
in a slide show. If a group of rows is to be copied, the cursor must first
rest on the top row.
1. Move the highlight into the first row to be copied.
2. Choose the Copy Rows command.
3. Press the DOWN arrow key until the rows you wish to copy are
4. Press ENTER.
5. Point to the target for your copied rows, then press ENTER.
Alt-C is the shortcut to the Copy Rows command.
The Move Rows command is used to move one or more rows to another location
in a slide show.
1. Move the highlight into the first row to be moved.
2. Choose the Move Rows command.
3. Press the DOWN arrow key until the rows you wish to move are
4. Press ENTER.
5. Point to the target for your moved rows, then press ENTER.
Alt-M is the shortcut to the Move Rows command.
The Insert Row command is used to insert a blank row into a slide show.
The line is inserted above the line on which the cursor lies. The shortcut
for the Insert Row command is ALT-I.
Show Partner Lite Page 37
The Erase Rows command is used to delete one or more rows from the current
slide show. Use this command carefully, since you cannot recover records
once they are erased.
1. Move the highlight into the first row to be erased.
2. Choose the Erase Rows command.
3. Press the DOWN arrow key until the rows you wish to erase are
4. Press ENTER.
Alt-E is the shortcut to the Erase Rows command.
View Menu Commands View Menu Commands View Menu Commands
The View Menu commands allow you to view the active slide show in part or
in full.
To view the current slide show, choose the Slide Show command from the View
Alt-A is the shortcut to the All command.
The Rows command allows you to view the instructions contained in one or
more rows for the time indicated.
1. Move the highlight into the first row to be viewed.
2. Choose the Rows command from the View menu.
3. Press the DOWN arrow key until the rows you wish to view are
4. Press ENTER.
The sequence described by the block of rows you selected will be displayed
on the screen. When the final selected row has been displayed, Slide Show
Editor returns to the editing screen, placing the cursor in the final row
of the selected block.
Show Partner Lite Page 38
Jump Menu Command Jump Menu Command Jump Menu Command
The To Row Number command allows you to quickly move to any row in the
current slide show by specifying the row number.
Special Menu Command Special Menu Command Special Menu Command
The Special menu contains commands used to view a help screen or make a
master disk for distributing a presentation.
The Keyboard Help command displays a screen that lists the keystrokes that
are equivalent to choosing commands.
The F2 key is the shortcut to the Help command.
Show Partner Lite Page 39
Chapter 6 Using Script Editor
In the previous chapter you learned about Slide Show Editor, one of the two
Show Partner Lite programs that assembles screens into a simple
presentation. Here you will learn about Script Editor, a program that
shares many functions with Slide Show Editor, yet goes far beyond it in
Script Editor assembles the files created by CAPTURE and GraFIX Editor into
a presentation by creating a set of instructions called a script. These
instructions tell your system what files to load into memory, what pictures
and objects to display, what to do when the user presses a specified key,
and so on.
In this chapter, you will find detailed information about creating scripts.
Script Editor creates instructions that control your presentation,
instructions that are stored in a script file. You will edit script files
using a special script editing table with a keyboard or another input
device like a mouse.
The instructions in your script can be simple or sophisticated. They can
create anything from a monochrome slide show of several screens to a multi-
color show packed with dramatic information to draw viewer interest.
You will add the names of the files you want the script to use and then
make choices about how they should be used. Your instructions will also
control the presentation's flow, which you or your audience can change as
your presentation is shown. For example, you can add instructions that
will link a script to another script -- or to applications that you
ordinarily run from the operating system prompt.
On systems able to display the more sophisticated graphics made available
by IBM on its advanced machines, you can add instructions to directly
manipulate colors and color palettes during your presentations.
As you create your scripts, you will find that certain basic tasks, such as
choosing commands from menus and adding rows to a script, are performed
repeatedly. You should have a basic understanding of how to choose menu
commands from Chapter 2, "An Overview." This section, therefore, will
concentrate on how to quickly and efficiently create the instructions that
make up a script file.
To start Script Editor:
1. Insert the Program disk in drive A.
2. Type a:sed and press ENTER.
Show Partner Lite Page 40
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
The Script Editor editing screen appears.
The script editing screen consists of 400 rows and 8 columns. At the top
of each column is the name of the field represented by the given column.
You will enter labels and values into the fields in the editing table to
create the instructions that control your presentation.
The status area at the bottom of the editing screen provides three
important pieces of information:
* It displays the name of the current script, if the script you are
working on has been saved.
* It indicates the current row of the highlight.
* It shows you the current directory.
Script Editor loads a file when you choose the Load command from the File
menu. Other file operations -- saving scripts, changing the current
directory, clearing the current script from memory, etc. -- are also
accessed through File menu commands.
For example, to load the script called QKTOUR from the Learning disk:
1. Insert the Learning/Clip Art disk in drive A and close the drive door.
2. Press Ctrl-F to open the File menu, then press C to highlight the
Change Dir command. Press ENTER.
3. Press BACKSPACE repeatedly to erase the current directory name, then
type a: and press ENTER twice to make the A drive the current directory.
4. Press Alt-L to choose the shortcut to the Load command. Type qktour
in the Load dialog box and press ENTER repeatedly until Script Editor
loads the script named DEMO.
To view the script you have just loaded, press Alt-A. (This is the
shortcut to the View Script command.) Script Editor displays the current
script, from start to finish, on your monitor.
As you create your scripts, you will often use this command, as well as its
complementary command, View Rows. (The shortcut to the View Rows command
is Alt-V)
Viewing Part of a Script
Show Partner Lite Page 41
To view part of the active script:
1. Select a field in the first row of the range you wish to preview.
2. Choose Rows from the View menu.
3. Use the DOWN arrow key to extend the highlighted area.
4. When you have highlighted the rows you wish to view, press the INS
Script Editor will display the animation sequence described by the block of
rows you selected. When the final row has been displayed, Script Editor
returns to the editing screen, placing the cursor in the final row of the
selected block.
Since Script Editor displays only 20 of the 400 rows in a script, it is
obvious that you will often find yourself scrolling to different areas of
more complex scripts. Script Editor provides you with several ways to move
about a script:
* You can use your keyboard to scroll to parts of the script that are
not visible on the screen.
* You can use the Jump commands to quickly move to specified rows or
locations, or to search through a field for a target you choose. For
example, to jump the final row of a script, use the Jump to Row command
to move to the row number displayed in the status area as the final row.
* You can use the vertical scroll bar, found at the right screen border.
Point to the vertical scroll bar and press the INS key (or left mouse
* You can use the keyboard movement keys -- such as the PgDn, PgUp,
Home, End keys -- to quickly move through a script.
Show Partner Lite Page 42
To: Press:
Move up or down one row UP or DOWN arrow
Move left or right LEFT or RIGHT arrow
Move down one screen PgDn
Move up one screen PgUp
Move to the left edge of the HOME
Move to the right edge of END
the screen
Move to the first row of the Ctrl-HOME
Move to the final row of the Ctrl-END
You create a script by filling in the columns, or fields, of the script
editing table. The nine fields are displayed below:
You can add an instruction to a script in one of two ways:
* You can move a highlight into a field -- thus selecting it -- and then
type in a label or value appropriate for the field you selected.
* You can select a field and then press the INS key (or press the left
button of a mouse) to choose a label or value for the field you
Note: The type of files in the list that appears when you press the INS
key in the Picture Comment field depends upon the label in the Effect
field. If there is no label in the Effect field, Script Editor assumes
you wish to add a picture filename and gives you a list of pictures.
But if Script Editor sees an effect that operates on something other
than picture files, it displays a different list, according to the file
type used by the effect.
Filling in the Picture Comment Field
You will add filenames and comments to the Picture Comment field. In order
for Script Editor to know what images and information to display on screen,
you must specify what files on disk it should use. By entering the name of
a file into the Picture Comment field you are telling Script Editor that
the current instruction applies to that file.
Show Partner Lite Page 43
The Picture Comment field stores the following types of labels:
Label Type: Description:
Picture Filenames The names of the screens,
character-based or graphics-
based, to be displayed.
Picture files created with
CAPTURE and GraFIX Editor
are the basis of any show
you create with Script
Script Filenames The names of the scripts to
be linked to the active
Comments Reminders of what your
script should do.
Command line statements Statements that run
applications external to
Show Partner Lite
Clear statements Statements that clear the
screen during a show
Note: You do not need to enter a picture filename into each row of a
script. If no filename is found in a Picture Comment field, Show Partner
Lite assumes it should continue working with the last picture file named in
a previous row of the script.
Adding Comments
Adding comments to your script is a good way to keep track of what happens
at different points in your script. You can add comments to a row which
instructs Show Partner Lite to carry out an effect, or to a row that
contains only a comment.
To add a comment to a blank Picture Comment field:
1. Select the Picture Comment field of the row you want to add a comment
2. Press the spacebar to insert a blank space in the Picture Comment
field, then type your comment.
3. Press ENTER when your comment is complete.
You can also include comments in a Picture Comment field that contains a
Show Partner Lite Page 44
To add a comment to a Picture Comment field containing a filename:
1. Press and hold down CTRL, then press the RIGHT direction key
repeatedly to move the cursor to the right of the picture filename
within the Picture Comment field.
2. Type a comment, then press ENTER
To make Show Partner Lite ignore the row on which you have placed a
comment in the Picture Comment field, choose the "Comment" option in the
Effect field of that row.
Adding a Clear statement
You will add a Clear statement to a script when you want your show to clear
all or part of a screen to the background color.
To enter "Clear" into a row:
1. Select the Picture Comment field of any row, type clear, and press
When Script Editor encounters "Clear" in the Picture Comment field, it will
clear the specified area of the screen -- full or partial picture --
replacing all pixels in that area with the background color. It will then
proceed to the subsequent rows in the script.
Use a Clear statement when making the transition from one sequence of your
show to another. A good example is at the beginning of a script; a script
with a Clear statement in the Picture Comment field and the label, "Full
Picture", in the Location field will clear the entire screen before
displaying the rest of the script.
A Clear statement will work with full or partial pictures, and may take on
any of the attributes -- Direction, Location, Size, Target, Speed, and Time
-- available to picture files.
Choosing Options in the Effect Field
After deciding what picture to display, you will choose an option in the
Effect field. The option you choose determines how your picture will
replace the previous picture on the screen.
To choose an effect:
1. Select the Effect field of any row.
2. Press the INS key. A list of effects appears -- as long as the last
effect you chose was a screen effect, you will see the screen effects.
3. Select any option, then press the INS key to move it into the Effect
field of the current row.
The screen effects are one of the four types of effects that you may enter
into the Effect field -- screen effects, sound effects, flow control
effects, and special effects. If you have recently chosen an option from
one of the other types of effects, you must first change the displayed list
of effects to the screen effects.
Show Partner Lite Page 45
To change the type of effect shown in the Effect list box:
1. Select the Effect field, then click the left button to view a list of
2. Press the DEL key, and a list of effect types appears.
3. Select the type of effect you would like to work with, then press the
INS key.
The list of options for the effect type you have chosen will appear.
Filling in the Dir Field
The label in the Dir (short for "Direction") field controls the direction
of an effect. (Note that many of the effects do not have variable
directions; when you enter one such effect, Script Editor will clear the
label in the Dir field.)
After filling in the Effect field, you may see a default direction appear
in the Dir field. If so, you may change the specified direction: move
into the Dir field, press INS, then choose a direction from the list that
Filling in the Speed and Time Fields
Once you have decided upon a picture and how it should appear on screen,
the third decision you must make involves the timing by which the image
will appear. The options you choose in two fields -- the Speed and Time
fields -- control the timing of an effect.
The value in the Speed field tells Show Partner Lite how fast to carry out
an effect. If the value in the Speed field is "Fast", the speed of the
effect depends on the speed of your system -- the same effect will run
faster on a speedier machine than on a slow one. If the value in the Speed
field is "Minimum" or "Slow," on the other hand, the effect will take the
same length of time regardless of the system.
To enter a value into the Speed field, select the Speed field, press the
INS key (or click the left mouse button) to view a list of available
speeds, then select the Speed option you wish to use. Press ENTER.
The value in the Time field tells Show Partner Lite how long it should
devote to a single effect. Use the Time field to put in any delays your
audience will need to absorb the ideas and facts you are presenting.
To enter a value in the Time field: Select the Time field of a row, press
the INS key (or left mouse button) to increase the value of the Time field
increments of 10.
Or, if you prefer, enter a number between 0 and 9999. Entering a negative
number or a letter in this field results in a value of "Key." That is, the
show will pause until a key is pressed.
Notes: Values in the TIME column are stated in units of approximately one-
tenth of one second. An increment of 10, in other words, is about one
second. This is true regardless of the system on which you use Show
Partner Lite.
Show Partner Lite Page 46
An instruction can act upon a full screen picture or a partial picture.
You specify that a given instruction, such as a screen effect or an Article
effect, should act upon a partial picture by "clipping" the region that
defines your partial picture.
To clip a partial picture into a script:
1. Point to any row that has an active picture associated with it.
2. Choose the Clip Block command from the Special menu.
The active picture appears on screen.
3. Use the arrow keys (the 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 keys on the numeric
keypad) to move the cursor to a point outside the area you want to
select, then press the INS key.
4. Move the adjustable box until it is large enough to enclose the area
you want to select, then press the INS key. Adjust the blinking cursor
until your block is fully enclosed, then press the INS key again.
At this point, Script Editor plays back any partial picture effects that
occur between the last full picture and the row immediately above the
current one. This allows you to see the sequence of partial picture
events in a sequence and the frozen frame at the end of the sequence.
5. Select the target within the frozen frame for the block you have
6. Move the rectangular cursor that marks the dimensions of the selected
partial picture to the place where you would like it to appear during
your show, then press the INS key.
Script Editor returns you to the active script. Notice that values have
been added to the Location, Size, and Target fields.
As you revise your script, you may notice that a picture needs
modification. If your system has enough memory for GraFIX Editor and
Script Editor to run concurrently, you can use the programs together.
To use GraFIX Editor with Script Editor:
1. Start GraFIX Editor, then quit by choosing the Quit and Stay Resident
2. When you return to the DOS prompt, start Script Editor.
3. When you want to use GraFIX Editor to modify a picture listed on the
picture editing screen, point to the picture filename, then choose the
GED command from the Special menu. The picture will appear on your
4. The screen is now under the control of GraFIX Editor. Make any needed
modifications to the image, then save it on the disk.
Show Partner Lite Page 47
5. When you have finished using GraFIX Editor, choose the Quit command,
using the Quit and Stay Resident option. Be sure to save your picture
before exiting. If you quit GED without saving your changes, they will
be lost.
Note that Script Editor will not list newly created .GX2 files until you
choose a command from the File menu. (You can force Script Editor to
update its file listing by pressing ALT-F.)
To quit Script Editor:
1. Choose the Quit command from the File menu. A dialog box appears.
2. Click the Yes button to quit Script Editor.
The File menu commands are used to load and save Script Editor files,
change the directory, and quit Script Editor.
The New command clears the current script from memory and from the script
editing table in preparation for creating a new script.
If you have not yet saved your recent changes, Script Editor will give you
a chance to do so.
The Load command loads a script from disk into memory, displaying the
script on screen.
To load a file from another directory, select the Directory text box and
edit the directory pathname. Then point to the Filename text box, press
the DEL key, and choose a file from list that appears.
Note, however, that the pictures referred to by the script you are loading
should be in the current directory (displayed in the status area, below the
editing table.) Therefore, you will usually load a script from a different
directory by first changing the directory with the Change Dir command, and
then the Load command to load the script file.
Show Partner Lite Page 48
The Save command saves the active script in the current directory. Script
Editor saves the script with the name you used the last time you saved it,
and replaces the old copy of the script on the disk.
After you choose the Save command, the script remains on the screen so you
can continue working on it. You should save your work periodically,
because a power interruption or failure may cause you to lose changes you
have made since the last time you saved.
To save a script for the first time or to save a picture under a different
name, choose the Save As command.
The Save As command saves a new script or a new version of an existing
If the script already has a name, Script Editor proposes it in the filename
text box. To accept the proposed name, click the OK button. To save the
document under a different name, edit the proposed name or type a new one,
then click OK.
After you save a script with Save As, it remains on the screen, but its
name changes to the name you gave it.
The Print command prints the active script, in part or in full. After
choosing the Print command, you are presented with a dialog box. Fill in
the starting row number and ending row number of the range you wish to
print, or accept the proposed range. Then point to the OK button and press
The Change Dir command lets you change directories when you want to work
with the files in another directory.
When you choose the Change Dir command, Script Editor presents a dialog box
with a single text box. Edit the directory pathname in this box, then
click the Proceed button to change the directory.
The Quit command ends a Script Editor session. If you have made changes to
your script without saving them, Script Editor presents a dialog box.
To exit Script Editor, click the OK button; to save your changes, click the
Cancel button to return to the current script, then choose the Save As
command and save the script on the disk.
Show Partner Lite Page 49
Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands
The Edit menu contains commands that allow you to work with more than one
row at a time. You can erase, move, or copy a block of rows; and you can
save a block to disk or read an existing script file into the editing
screen as a block.
The Undo command undoes your most recent editing action. If, for example,
you have just changed the contents of the Picture Comment field, choose the
Undo command to return to the original contents of the field.
The Copy Rows command is used to copy one or more rows to another location
in a script.
1. Move the cursor over the first row to be copied.
2. Press Ctrl-E to open the File menu, press 'C' to highlight the Copy
Rows command, then press ENTER.
3. Use the DOWN arrow to highlight the rows you wish to copy, then press
4. Move the cursor to the row to which you want to copy your selected
rows, then press ENTER.
Script Editor copies your selected rows to your specified targets.
The Move Rows command is used to move one or more rows to another location
in a script. Follow the procedures described immediately above for the
Copy Rows command to move a row or rows.
The Insert Row command is used to insert a blank row into a script.
To insert a row, point to the row that you want to be blank, then choose
the Insert Row command.
The shortcut to the Insert Row command is Alt-I.
The Erase Rows command is used to delete one or more rows from the current
script. Use this command carefully, since you cannot recover rows once
Show Partner Lite Page 50
they are erased. (Follow the procedures described for the Copy Rows
command to erase a row or rows.)
The Save Rows command is used to save one or more rows as a script file.
1. Move the highlight to the first row you want to save.
2. Choose the Save Rows command.
3. Use the DOWN arrow keys to highlight the rows you wish to save, then
press ENTER.
4. Choose a filename in the dialog box that appears, then press ENTER
three times to highlight, and then choose, the OK button.
The Insert Script command is used to insert a script file into the current
1. Move the highlight to the row where you wish your inserted script to
2. Choose the Insert Script command.
3. Fill out the dialog box that appears with the filename of the script
you wish to insert.
4. Press ENTER three times to highlight, and then choose, the OK button.
View Menu Commands View Menu Commands View Menu Commands
The View menu commands allow you to view the active script, in part or in
To view the current script, choose the All command from the View menu.
The Rows command allows you to view the instructions contained in one or
more rows.
To view one or more rows, select the first or last row you want to view,
then choose the Rows command from the View menu.
Show Partner Lite Page 51
The Optimize 256 command is used to view scripts that contain 256-color
Some programs (particularly GraFIX Editor) will treat the 256-color palette
available on MCGA and VGA systems dynamically, changing the palette as
drawing commands are performed. This dynamic treatment of the palette may
result in a situation were two pictures may have the same colors arranged
in a different order within their palettes.
The Optimize 256 command consolidates the palettes in 256-color pictures
that are used in the same script. This ensures smooth transitions from one
256-color screen to the next.
Note that this consolidation takes some time to perform; therefore, the
Optimize 256 command displays a script somewhat slower than the All
command. Once this consolidation has been performed, however, Show Partner
Lite will display your script at its normal speed.
Jump Menu Commands Jump Menu Commands Jump Menu Commands
The Jump menu commands make it easy to move quickly to specified areas of
the active script.
The To Row Number command allows you to quickly move to any row in the
current script.
To jump to a row, choose to To Row Number command from the Jump menu.
Script Editor presents a dialog box. Edit the row number in the dialog
box, then click the OK button to jump to the row you entered.
The To Location command allows you to quickly move to the first row
containing the specified value in its Loc# field.
Location numbers are listed in the Loc# column; they are used for flow
control effects like Goto, Loop, and Call.
To jump to a location number, choose the To Location command from the Jump
menu. Script Editor presents a dialog box. Edit the location number in
the dialog box, then click the OK button to jump to the location number you
Show Partner Lite Page 52
The Search command allows you to search for a label within any specified
field of a script.
Special Menu Commands Special Menu Commands Special Menu Commands
The Special menu contains commands used to create partial picture effects,
activate GraFIX Editor from resident memory, quickly build a script of all
files on the current directory, or temporarily load the operating system.
The Clip Block command allows you to create partial picture effects.
Notes: There are many advantages to creating screen effects that affect
partial pictures. It allows you to create sequences by which a single
screen is built in stages, with parts of the screen added as you specify.
Partial picture effects allow you to combine elements from several sources
into a single screen. For example, you can take a title from one picture
file, a chart from a second, and an image from a third.
The first step in creating a partial picture effect is to select the area
of a Show Partner Lite picture file that you want to use. After selecting
this rectangular area, or block, you will select the area on the screen
where this block will appear when your script is viewed.
Note: The shortcut to the Clip Block command is to press the PLUS (+) key.
An alternative shortcut is to select either the Location, Size, or Target
field, then press the INS key (or left mouse button.)
As you create partial picture effects, you determine which picture will be
used when Script Editor reaches a given row. There are two simple rules
for identifying the active picture:
* If a picture filename appears in the Picture Comment field of a given
row, then that picture is the active picture.
* If a picture filename does not appear in the Picture Comment field of
a given row, then the last picture filename to appear in a Picture
Comment field above that row is the active picture.
The implication of these rules should be clear: you can use the same
picture file as the source of images that are displayed in different rows
of a script.
You can build an image that appears in a show by drawing upon the images
stored in more than one picture file. The following script animates an
image using two different picture files:
Show Partner Lite Page 53
Picture Effect Locat Size Target Time
FLAGS.GX2 Weave 0,110 67,43 16,156 20
Diag 120,110 63,41 136,156 20
Fade 224,110 67,41 228,156 20
WORLDS.GX2 Scroll 4,26 33,13 4,0 30
Although it is preferable to enter values into the Location, Size, and
Target fields indirectly in the manner described above, you can type values
into these fields. To make minor adjustments after using the Clip Block
command, enter values directly.
The following provides a brief explanation of what the values in these
fields represent:
Location: The values in the Location field indicate the pixel coordinates
of the upper-left corner of the picture file that serves as the source of
the partial picture.
Two numbers, separated by a comma, appear in this column after you clip a
block. The first refers to the horizontal distance between the upper-left
corner of the screen and the upper-left corner of the partial picture; the
second refers to the vertical distance between the same two points.
Size: The values in the Size field indicate the width and height, in
pixels, of the clipped partial picture.
Target: The values in the Target field refer to the coordinates where the
upper left corner of your partial picture will appear during your
You can also use partial picture effects to create the illusion of movement
on your screen. Three of the Script Editor effects -- Scroll, Move, and X-
Move -- are very useful when you want to move an object across the screen.
Artistically inclined Show Partner Lite users may find that Script Editor
provides the tools needed for some fairly sophisticated animation effects.
The basic principles of cartooning can be used to create the illusion that
motion is occurring on the screen.
For example, you could use the two images contained in the following
picture to create the illusion that eyes are opening and closing.
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Show Partner Lite Page 54
If GraFIX Editor has been loaded into resident memory, you can activate by
choosing the GED Edit command. This allows you to edit the picture files
that you use in your script.
After editing a picture, be sure to save it to your disk in the same
directory in which you are creating your script.
When you return to the script editing table, press ALT-R to update the
internal listing by which Script Editor keeps track of the picture files on
the current directory.
The Auto Build Command allows you to build a script automatically using all
of the picture files on the current directory. Script Editor will place
the filenames of these pictures in the Picture Comment field, arranging
them in alphabetical order. You can then use the Move and Copy commands to
form the script you want.
The Keyboard Help command displays a box listing the keystrokes that are
equivalent to choosing commands from the Script Editor menus.
The System command allows you to temporarily exit Script Editor and work
with MS-DOS.
After choosing the System command, the operating system displays its
prompt, informing you that you are at its command line. You can enter any
commands that you would ordinarily type at the operating system command
line; as long as there is enough memory to carry out your command, DOS will
do so.
You can use the System command to perform tasks such as copying Show
Partner Lite files into the current directory.
When you want to return to Script Editor, type exit and press ENTER.
Note: You should always save the current script before choosing the System
command. In the event that you issue a command that halts your system, the
changes you have made to the current script will be preserved on the disk.
Show Partner Lite Page 55
Chapter 7: Show Partner Lite Effect Reference
In Chapters 6 and 7 you learned about Slide Show Editor and Script Editor,
the two Show Partner Lite programs that assemble a set of screens into
presentations. You learned to create slide shows and scripts by filling
out the rows in the editing screens used by slide Show Editor and Script
This chapter is devoted entirely to one field in the slide show and script
editing screens: the Effect field. The reason for this is simple: your
ability to create memorable and effective presentations depends upon your
use of the Show Partner Lite effects.
Each row in a Show Partner Lite slide show or script is a separate event in
your presentation. A row may display a color graphics screen with a
Replace effect, or it may fade a text screen over another. One row might
display a screen of choices, while the next row waits for you to press a
key and then branches depending on what key you press.
The following screen illustrates a slide show that uses a variety of
different screen effects:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
There are four types of Show Partner Lite effects: screen effects, which
are available in both Slide Show Editor and Script Editor; and sound
effects, flow control effects, and special effects, which are available
only in Script Editor.
Effect Type: Description:
Screen Effects One screen is replaced by
another by means of a screen
effect. The simplest screen
effect is Replace, where one
screen replaces another as
quickly as your system
allows. The more complex
screen effects, like
Diagonal, Wipe, Move, and X-
Move, dissolve one screen
into another in a pattern
and/or direction.
Sound Effects As a screen is displayed,
your system's speaker makes
a noise like a bomb, slide,
or a random noise.
Show Partner Lite Page 56
Flow Control Effects Instead of continuing from
row to row in a straight
sequence, a slide show or
script will branch to a
different row or even to a
different slide show or
Special Effects The Special effects are used
to directly manipulate
colors and palettes as a
picture is displayed in a
Show Partner Lite Screen Effects Show Partner Lite Screen Effects Show Partner Lite Screen Effects
The most basic type of Show Partner Lite effect is the screen effect. A
screen effect causes one of your pictures to replace another in a specified
pattern and direction.
There are fourteen Show Partner Lite screen effects shared by Slide Show
Editor and Script Editor. The only difference between the two programs in
how they use screen effects is that, whereas Slide Show Editor can perform
screen effects only on full screens, Script Editor can use a screen effect
to replace one partial screen with another.
The Replace effect is by far the simplest of the screen effects; it
replaces one screen with another by means of a direct overlay. This effect
occurs as fast as your hardware allows.
Note: Replace is the effect to use to create fast animation, screen
clearing, or anything else you would like to occur at the fastest possible
The Wipe effect causes the new picture to overlay the old in a specified
direction, beginning at one of four edges of your full or partial picture.
The valid directions for a Wipe effect are Up, Down, Left, and Right.
Note: Wipe is much like Replace, except that it recognizes values in the
Direction and Speed fields.
The H-Split effect replaces the old picture with the new one, splitting the
screen in half along the horizontal axis. The result is that the screen
will split either towards or away from the center of the screen. The valid
directions for an H-Split effect are In and Out.
Show Partner Lite Page 57
The V-Split effect replaces the old picture with the new one by splitting
the screen in half along the vertical axis. The result is a split screen
towards the top or bottom of the screen. The valid directions for the V-
Split effect are In and Out.
A full or partial picture forces the old picture off screen in a specified
direction, beginning at one of four edges of your picture. The valid
directions are Up, Down, Left, and Right.
In the PLANE.SPS script found on your Learning/Clip-Art disk, a Scroll
effect is used to move an airplane across the screen:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
To view this script, insert the Learning/Clip-Art disk in a drive, and load
the script file called plane into Script Editor. Then choose Script from
the View menu.
Note: When used with a partial picture, the Scroll effect works by forcing
another partial picture off the screen, proceeding in the direction
specified in the Dir field; as it forces the partial picture off the
screen, it replaces it with the partial picture specified in the Location
and Size fields.
New picture overlays the old, following a random pattern.
Note: If you wish to use a Fade effect against a black background rather
than against the picture developed in previous steps in your show, insert a
Clear instruction in the row prior to using the Fade effect.
In a Box effect a full or partial picture appears over the old one as four
sides of the box move towards or away from the center of the picture. The
valid directions for the Box effect are In and Out.
The Diagonal effect replaces the old picture by bringing the new one on
screen along a straight, diagonal line that proceeds towards one corner of
the screen. The diagonal line will move towards the corner specified in
the Dir column; the valid directions are UL (Upper Left), DL (Down Left),
UR ( Upper Right), and DR (Down Right.)
Show Partner Lite Page 58
The Weave effect moves a picture on to the screen from two directions at
once. It moves the first row of pixels -- and every odd row as well --
from the left of the screen towards the center, while moving the second row
of pixels -- and every even row -- from the right of the screen towards the
In effect, the new picture forces the old one off the screen in two
directions simultaneously, with even lines being pushed to the left, odd
lines to the right of your full or partial picture.
The Move effect takes a partial picture and moves it from its original
location in the picture file to the target specified in the Target field.
Note: Pixels in the path of the partial picture's movement on the screen
are erased.
Partial picture moves from original position on picture file to target
specified in the Target column.
Note: Pixels in the path of the partial picture's movement on the screen
are not erased. The Move and X-Move effects work somewhat differently than
the Scroll effect. The most important feature of Move and X-Move is that
the partial picture moves from the screen coordinate in the Location field
to that specified in the Target field, proceeding in a straight line.
(Recall that all other screen effects use the value in the Location field
only to determine what to clip from the active picture, and do not use this
value to determine where the image appears in the show.)
The Shake effect moves a picture onto the screen with what amounts to a
Replace effect; as soon as the new image appears, however, it begins to
The Drip effect moves a picture onto the screen one row at a time in a
manner that makes it appear that the image is "dripping" towards the
specified direction.
Show Partner Lite Page 59
The Spiral effect replaces a picture by moving a new picture onto the
screen in a circular direction. The valid directions are clockwise (Clkw)
and counterclockwise (Cntr).
The Half effect places a graphics-based picture on the upper or lower half
of the screen, leaving the remainder of the screen for a different
graphics-based picture. Note that this effect does not work with
character-based screens.
The Quad effect places a graphics-based picture in one of four quadrants of
the screen, leaving the other three quadrants free for other Quad effects.
Note that this effect does not work with character-based screens.
Show Partner Lite Sound Effects Show Partner Lite Sound Effects Show Partner Lite Sound Effects
You can add one of the Show partner sound effects to any row in a script
simply by typing its name into the Effect field. If you prefer, you can
also choose a sound effect from a list containing only sound effects.
The Noise effect causes random frequencies to be transmitted by the on-
board speaker.
The Slide effect causes sound to move from one end of the speaker's
frequency range to the other end. The valid directions for the Slide
effect are Up and Down.
The Bomb effect causes sound to move from the high end of the speaker's
frequency range to the low end, with the sound of an explosion following.
Show Partner Lite Flow Control Effects Show Partner Lite Flow Control Effects Show Partner Lite Flow Control Effects
When displaying a show, Show Partner Lite normally processes the
instructions it finds in a script by beginning at the first row and
continuing until each row in the script has been processed. However,
Script Editor allows you to manipulate the flow of a script. To change the
sequence by which Show Partner Lite displays the instructions in a script,
you use one of the flow control effects.
Show Partner Lite Page 60
Branches to a location following input from keyboard. Use it to offer
choices to viewers.
Your shows can include menu screens that present your viewers with the
opportunity to choose what they'd like to view next.
Two things are required for a menu effect to operate properly:
* A picture screen that presents the viewer with choices. You create
this screen with CAPTURE or GraFIX Editor.
* The logic that controls the branching to locations and possibly the
return to the menu screen. This logic is created with Script Editor.
The following is an example of the correct syntax for a menu effect:
MENU.GX2 Replace Fast 0
ABQ$ Menu 200
A Page
A.SPS Script
B Page
B.SPS Script
Q Page
The first row displays the screen that presents the viewer with a menu of
choices. The row containing the Menu effect forces the script to wait
until a key is pressed, and compares it against the three valid keys -- A,
B, and Q. (It will wait 20 seconds for a valid key before continuing).
After Show Partner Lite branches to page A, B, or Q, it begins to process
the instructions found in the rows that follow those pages.
Notice that there are three page effects in this script. A page effect
requires an argument that matches one of the characters in a string
specified by the Menu effect; this character must be the very first
character in the Picture Comment field of the row containing the Page
The Page effect acts as a target for PgUp and PgDn keys or for a Menu
If the viewer presses the PgUp key when a script is running, Show Partner
Lite searches from the current line towards the beginning of the current
script for a Page effect; when it finds a Page effect, it resumes from the
Show Partner Lite Page 61
subsequent line. A press of the PgDn key, and Show Partner Lite searches
towards the end of the script for a Page effect, resuming execution of the
script at the row following the Page effect if found.
If the viewer presses PgUp or PgDn when a script with no Page effects is
open, Show Partner Lite starts the script from the beginning.
If you use Page effects as targets for PgUp and PgDn keys, make sure you
inform the viewer of what will happen if these keys are pressed.
You should inform the user when you create Page effects to serve as targets
for PgUp and PgDn keys.
The second important use of Page effects is as targets for a Menu effect.
The string in the Picture Comment field of a Menu effect contains a list of
the keystrokes that cause Show partner to branch. You should create one
Page effect for each valid key. (See the description of the Menu effect,
above, for an example of the correct use of Page effects for this purpose.)
Script Editor allows you to execute any program you would ordinarily start
from the operating system prompt, as long as that file is on the current
directory or in the current path and there is enough memory to run the
MS-DOS has two types of executable files, that is, files that can be
executed from the DOS prompt or by calls from within other applications
such as Script Editor or FXSHOW. These files must have a file extension of
either .COM or .EXE.
Notes: Executable files can come from either of two sources: you can
create one yourself, using a compiler, or you can purchase one from a third
party. Although you don't think of them as such, the software you use
everyday like Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect are in fact executable files.
The following example will change the directory, then start Lotus 1-2-3:
cd \lotus Command
123.exe Execute
When Script Editor runs your script, it will pass control to the specified
application. When that application ends, control will be returned to the
script that called the application.
As long as system memory is sufficient, any executable file that can be run
from the DOS prompt can also be run from within a script.
Note: When planning the transition from your show to an outside executable
file, be sure to have your outside program return the screen to the same
graphics mode in which it received control from SHOW or Script Editor, and
Show Partner Lite Page 62
that it sets the screen back to the same mode when passing control back to
the show. Otherwise, subsequent rows in the script may not be displayed.
A Note to programmers: If you are writing programs to be used with the
Execute effect, you can exercise come flow control over the script by
supplying a Show Partner Lite return code when your program ends.
Here is a list of the return codes Show Partner Lite recognizes:
Return Code Effect
160 Simulate ESC key press
161 Simulate PgUp key press
162 Simulate PgDn key press
163 . . . 239 Goto Loc# 163 . . . 239
The Goto effect causes a script to branch unconditionally to the location
number found in the Picture Comment field.
The primary use of the Loop effect is to force Show Partner Lite to repeat
rows. You might, for instance, want to display a menu several different
times. Or you may want to repeat a sequence repeatedly to create a
blinking effect.
The following example shows two ways to use a Goto effect. The Goto effect
in Row 4 returns the user to the menu after an error message, the Goto
effects in Rows 8 and 12 return the user to the menu after calls to
subroutines found at Loc# 30 and 40, respectively.
MENU1.GX2 10 Replace 0
AB$ Menu 20
ERROR1.GX2 Replace
10 Goto
A Page
30 Call
10 Goto
B Page
40 Call
10 Goto
The major drawback to the Goto effect is that as an unconditional branching
effect, it is inflexible. For example, you can unwittingly create an
infinite loop that forces you to end your script prematurely.
Show Partner Lite Page 63
Note: The most common use of Goto is to return the viewer to a menu after
a choice has been carried out by Script Editor.
In any presentation there are bound to be times when you need to give your
viewer a little time to absorb the information on the screen. You can
concentrate disk access in this time by using the Load effect. The Load
effect can be set up in several different ways.
* If you put a duration in the Time field of the Load effect, the time
spent accessing disk will never exceed that value.
* If you include a number in the Picture Comment field with a Load
effect, the specified number of files which will be loaded -- as long as
there is enough free memory to do so.
For example, if you wanted to load the next 10 files into memory but didn't
want to spend any longer than 5 seconds reading the disk, you would create
the following instructions:
10 Load 50
Note: A TIME of KEY or 0 in the Time field of a Load effect means that
time is not critical for the load. If enough memory is available, the
number of files specified in the Picture Comment field will be loaded.
The Script effect passes control unconditionally to a second script, which
is then run in its entirety.
Notes: You can link scripts together with the Script effect, which passes
control from one script to another. There are two important uses for
Script effects:
* They allow you to create Show Partner Lite presentations greater than
400 rows in length (the limit for a single script).
* They allow you to divide a show into modules that can be used
repeatedly. If your show consists of numerous scripts that are linked
with Script effects, it becomes easy to use each script again -- all you
have to do is use a Script effect in another script to link the two
The following script presents the viewer with a menu and branches to one of
three scripts depending upon whether the viewer presses A, B, or C.
Show Partner Lite Page 64
MENU.GX2 V-Split Out 0
ABC$ Menu Key
A Page
B Page
C Page
When Show Partner Lite encounters a row containing a valid Script effect,
it immediately begins to run the script named in the Picture Comment field.
When Show Partner Lite encounters a row containing a valid Script effect,
it immediately begins to run the script named in the Picture Comment field.
When it finishes running the specified script, Script Editor returns to the
editing screen. Note that it will do so without running any rows below the
one containing the Script effect.
The Loop effect causes the script to branch to a location a specific number
of times, then passes control to the subsequent row.
The following script displays PIC1 and PIC2, loops to the top of the script
(Loc# 50) three times, and then continues by displaying PIC3.
PIC1.GX2 50 Weave Fast 10
PIC2.GX2 Fade Medium 10
50,3 Loop
PIC3.GX2 Replace Fast 20
Like Goto, a Loop effect redirects the flow of a script to a location
number specified in the Picture Comment field; the difference is that the
Loop effect causes Show Partner Lite to keep count of the number of times
the row containing the Loop effect is reached during a script. When the
specified number is reached, the script stops looping to the location
number and continues on to the next row in the script.
There are two obvious uses for a Loop effect:
* You can use the Loop effect to replace one image with another any
number of times, thus creating a blinking effect.
* You can alternate between two images in quick succession, thus
creating the illusion that sustained motion is taking place.
Show Partner Lite Page 65
The Command effect passes the label in the Picture Comment field to the
operating system for evaluation. If the instruction is valid, the
operating system carries it out; it not, the instruction will not be
carried out.
Notes: Use the Command effect to perform such operations as copying files,
changing the drive or directory, listing files, running an executable file
with command line parameters, etc.
There are other files that can run from the operating system, yet they are
not standard executable files. The DIR and CHDIR commands, as well as
batch files, are good examples of such files.
Script Editor also allows you to link to batch files and MS-DOS commands by
adding a Command effect. One use of a Command effect might be to change
the directory while a script is running. You would do this if you wanted
to link your script to one located on a different directory.
The following script provides an example of a valid Command effect. If the
user presses C when the menu is on the screen, the script branches to Page
C, where a batch file called BACKUP.BAT is run.
MENU.GX2 Replace Fast 0
ABC$ Menu Key
A Page
B Page
C Page
BACKUP Command
The Call effect calls the Script Editor subroutine located at the location
number specified in the Picture Comment field. In many cases, you'll use
this in conjunction with a Menu effect.
The Return effect returns from a Script Editor subroutine, to the line from
which the subroutine was called.
10 Call
. . .
PICA.GX2 10 Fade Fast 10
PICB.GX2 Wipe Right Fast 10
Show Partner Lite Page 66
Notes: One of the most powerful features of Script Editor is its ability
to create and call subroutines. A subroutine is simply a self-contained
sequence of rows that may be called from anywhere in a script.
The first row of the subroutine should contain a number in the Loc# field;
this location number will serve as the target of the Call effect. The
final row of the subroutine should contain a Return effect; this instructs
Show Partner Lite to return to the line from which the subroutine was
Between the first and final rows of the subroutine, you can add any Script
Editor instruction. Each time the subroutine is called, Show Partner Lite
will process those instructions.
You should place all subroutines in a single area of your script, perhaps
at the very end; you should also place a flow control effect -- such as
End, Script, or Goto -- in front of the rows containing the subroutines.
Following these practices will prevent the unwanted entry by Show Partner
Lite into your subroutines.
The End effect terminates a script, returning your viewer to the operating
system if FXSHOW is running your presentation.
Notes: Use an End effect with a Menu effect to offer the viewer the chance
to quit viewing your show and return to the operating system.
The EscKy effect causes an unconditional branch to the row following the
EscKy effect when the viewer presses ESC as your presentation is running.
This alters the normal role of the ESC key, which is to end the
Show Partner Lite Page 67
The following script will repeat from the beginning when ESC is pressed:
PICA.GX2 Replace
. . .
Notes: For an EscKy effect to work properly, it must be present in the
script file that is open when the user presses ESC. Therefore, it you wish
the ESC key to return your viewer to a main menu from any script accessible
from the menu, an EscKy effect must be created in each script called from
the main script.
You should only use one EscKy effect per script; Show Partner Lite will
ignore all but the first one it finds.
Since ESC is the normal way for your viewer to end a presentation, make
sure that you provide a means (perhaps a menu with an End effect as a
choice) for your viewer to stop the show.
Show Partner Lite Special Effects Show Partner Lite Special Effects Show Partner Lite Special Effects
The special effects give you a varied assortment of tools for enhancing
your Show Partner Lite scripts.
Each of the Special effects requires an argument in the Picture Comment
field. The arguments they require and the way that each flow control
effect is used are explained in this section.
To choose a special effect:
1. Move the highlight into the Effect field.
2. Press the INS key to view a list of the effects that are currently
3. Press the DEL key to view a list of effect types.
4. Select the Special Effect option, then press the INS key.
Script Editor displays a list of the special effects.
5. Select the effect you wish to enter into the script, then press the
INS key to move it into the Effect field of the current row.
Four special effects -- PalShf, PalLoad, ColShf, and ColLoad -- allow you
to change the color of a picture while it appears on screen. These effects
work only on IBM color graphics systems in modes that allow for color and
palette effects. These modes are:
* 320 x 200 resolution, 4 colors
Show Partner Lite Page 68
* 640 x 350 resolution, 16 colors (of a 64-color palette)
* 640 x 480 resolution, 16 colors (of a 64-color palette)
* 320 x 200, 256 colors (of a 262,144-color palette)
Pictures created in other modes will not be affected by any of these
The PalShf effect allows you to shift through the foreground colors
available in a given mode.
To add a PalShf effect:
1. Enter PalShf into the Effect field, then enter the number of times you
want the palette to shift into the Picture Comment field of the same
For example, the following script will cause your show to change the
palette of a picture called PIC1 six times:
PIC1.GX2 Replace Fast 10
6 PalShf
The PalShf effect has a special function when working with 256-color
pictures on systems with MCGA or VGA graphics. When working with such
pictures, you may add a second and third number, separated by commas, in
the Picture Comment field. When the two additional numbers are present
they define the starting and ending color numbers that will participate in
the shift. If the two extra numbers are missing, the effect will shift all
256 colors.
In the following example, the first 10 colors in the 256PIC.GX2 picture are
shifted fifteen times.
256PIC.GX2 Replace Fast 10
15,1,10 PalShf
The PalLoad effect allows you to change the color of the current screen to
a palette defined in a palette file. (Palette files are created with
GraFIX Editor's Save Palette command.).
Show Partner Lite Page 69
The palette file must be created in the same mode as the current screen for
this effect to operate properly. For example, a palette file created in
EGA Mode 16 must be used with a screen created in the same mode.
To add a PalLoad effect:
1. Enter PalLoad into the Effect field, then enter the filename of a
palette file on the current directory into the Picture comment field of
the same row.
For example, the following script change the palette of a 256-color screen
called 256KICK to the colors found in the palette file, PALEX.256 (256-
color palettes have the .256 extension; other palettes have the .CLR
256KICK.GX2 Scroll Up Fast 20
PALEX.256 PalLoad
The ColShf effect allows you to shift one of the colors on the current
screen to another color, and to continue shifting to other colors a
specified number of times.
Notes: The syntax of the label you'll add to the Picture Comment field
depends upon the number of available colors in the mode in which the
current picture is displayed. The syntax is as follows:
colornumber,n ColShf
(where colornumber is in the range 0 to 3 for four-color pictures, 0 to 16
for sixteen-color pictures, and 0 to 255 for 256-color pictures, and where
n is the number of shifts desired.)
The valid directions for the ColShf effect are Fwd (for Forward) and Bwd
(for Backward).
In 320 x 200, 4-color mode, only the background color can be shifted. (Use
the PalShf effect to shift the foreground colors.)
For example, the following instruction will cause the background color
(Color 0 on a screen created on a CGA system) to shift 16 times:
Show Partner Lite Page 70
0,16 ColShf
The ColChg effect allows you to change one color on a screen to another, as
long as the screen was created in one of the color graphics modes in which
this is allowed. (For a list of these modes, see above, "Changing colors
with the Special effects."
The syntax for a ColChg effect is as follows:
c1,c2 ColChg
where c1 is the color to be changed and c2 is the number corresponding to
the color you wish to change to. C1 must be in the range 0 to 3 for four-
color pictures, 0 to 16 for sixteen-color pictures, and 0 to 255 for 256-
color pictures. C2 must be in the range 0 to 3 for four-color palettes.
On EGA and VGA systems, C2 represents an RGB number, a three digit integer
where the first integer represents the red component, the second integer
represents the green component, and the third integer represents the blue
component of the number. The following table lists some RGB numbers and
the colors they represent:
RGB number Represents this color
000 Black
100 Red
010 Green
001 Blue
111 White
Examples: The following script loads a CGA picture, then changes its
background color to blue (Color number 1 in the CGA palette).
Show Partner Lite Page 71
CGAPIC.GX2 Replace 20
0,1 ColChg
Note that you cannot change the foreground colors (colors 1, 2, or 3) in
this mode, which groups colors in fixed sets.
The following script loads a picture called HIRES (which may be a 16-color
or 256-color picture) and changes the third color in its palette to white:
HIRES.GX2 Replace 20
3,111 ColChg
Use the Comment effect when you want to add a comment to a blank row;
remember that comments may be added to the Picture Comment field of any row
in a script, as long as a blank space precedes the comment.
Note: Script Editor hides other labels on lines containing the Comment
The Int (for Interrupt) effect is included primarily as a way of
interfacing to device drivers (or other resident programs) not directly
supported by Show Partner Lite. For those experienced with 8088 assembly
language and who desire to interface their code to Show Partner Lite, the
following description is provided.
The Interrupt effect loads the AX, BX, CX, and DX registers and invokes an
interrupt vector. Values are optional for the registers and are decimal
numbers of character strings delimited by commas.
The following instruction deletes the file named BADFILE.DOC using MS-DOS.
The following instruction uses the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) to put
the screen in CGA graphics mode:
Show Partner Lite Page 72
16,4 Int
When a ".256" palette file is named in the Picture Comment field, the
direction field of the effect is ignored. Instead, the palette of the
screen fades towards the colors in the palette file.
For this effect to work properly with palette files, the color
consolidation which normally takes place during a 256-color load must be
disabled. This is accomplished by loading the initial starting palette
(using a PalLoad effect) before the screen effects using the picture to be
faded. For example:
START.256 PalLoad
MYPIC.GX2 Replace
FADETO.256 256Fade
Show Partner Lite Page 73
Chapter 8 Using GraFIX Editor
The previous chapters taught you to put together presentations using
CAPTURE, Slide Show Editor, and Script Editor. You learned how to
"capture" screens from your other MS-DOS software and how to assemble them
into slide shows and scripts.
In this, the final chapter of your User's Guide, you'll learn about GraFIX
Editor, the Show Partner Lite program that edits your graphics screens.
GraFIX Editor is a "paint" program that operates in nearly a dozen graphics
modes on IBM Personal Computers, IBM Personal Systems, and compatible
systems. Its purpose is to create screens for later use in presentations;
once you've created a screen, you can print it out on one of many popular
printers, or save it on disk for later use by your Show Partner Lite slide
shows and scripts.
GraFIX Editor features a pull-down menu interface that works well with the
keyboard or with a Microsoft Mouse; ideally, your system will include both
input devices and you will learn to put each to its best use. Your
keyboard or mouse helps you add text and graphics to the picture editing
screen upon which your menus will appear. Using GraFIX Editor, you can:
* Change a captured screen from one graphics mode to another.
For instance, you can transform a 4-color chart into a chart with 256
colors -- if your system's graphics hardware allows you to do so.
* Add text in a variety of fonts and colors. GraFIX Editor
allows you to add headlines or any detailed information you wish to
* You can add boxes, lines, circles, or freeform figures.
To be productive with GraFIX Editor, it is helpful for you to understand a
few fundamentals concerning the modes in which IBM Personal Computers and
Personal Systems display information on a display monitor.
An IBM PC or PS/2 can display information in either of two ways:
* IBM PCs and PS/2s can display information in graphics mode. In
one of these modes -- and there are more than a dozen graphics modes
supported by GraFix Editor, images are created out of pixels that can be
set to a variety of colors.
You can use GraFIX Editor to create and modify these graphics images.
* IBM PC's and PS/2s can also display information in character
mode. In this mode, used by applications like Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect,
dBASE III Plus, etc., the screen is divided into twenty-five rows and
eight columns. Any of 256 characters can appear in any location within
this 25 x 80 grid; but only those characters defined in the Basic
Input/Output System (BIOS) can appear in these locations.
Show Partner Lite Page 74
You can capture screens displayed in character mode with CAPTURE;
however, GraFIX Editor cannot edit character screens.
GraFIX Editor now supports a variety of graphics modes . . . Its Mode menu
commands allow you to easily translate an image from one graphics mode to
another mode supported by your graphics card . . .
The following section lists the IBM and Hercules graphics modes supported
by GraFIX Editor.
CGA Modes
If your system includes an IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) or a compatible
display adapter, it can display graphics in either of two graphics modes:
* 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 4-color
* 640 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 2-color
EGA Modes
* 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 4-color
* 640 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 2-color
* 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 16-color
* 640 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 16-color
* 640 horizontal by 350 vertical pixels, monochrome
* 640 horizontal by 350 vertical pixels, 16-color
MCGA Modes
If your system is an IBM Personal System/2, it can display graphics in at
least the following two graphics modes, which IBM calls its Multi Color
Graphics Array (MCGA):
* 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels, 256-color
* 640 horizontal by 480 vertical pixels, 2-color
VGA Modes
And if your Personal System/2 includes Video Graphics Array (VGA)
capabilities, it can display each of the graphics modes listed above, plus
a special high-resolution mode:
* 640 horizontal by 480 vertical pixels, 16-color
Hercules Mode
Show Partner Lite Page 75
If your system includes an Hercules Monochrome Adapter or a compatible
display adapter, it can display graphics in a single graphics mode:
* 720 horizontal by 348 vertical pixels, monochrome
VGA Modes
And if your PC or PS/2 includes Video Graphics Array (VGA) capabilities, it
can display each of the graphics modes listed above, plus a special high-
resolution mode:
* 640 horizontal by 480 horizontal pixels, 16-color
As you work with GraFIX Editor, you'll perform certain basic tasks
repeatedly; these basic tasks are described in this section.
To start GraFIX Editor:
1. Insert your Program disk in drive A.
2. Type a:ged and press ENTER
The GED editing screen appears:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
After you start GraFIX Editor (FXGED.EXE), a menu bar appears at the top of
a blank screen, listing the menus from which you can choose commands.
The blank screen you see is the picture editing screen. This is the screen
to which you will add freehand figures, boxes, circles and other shapes, as
well as text in a variety of sizes, type styles, and colors.
Once you have loaded a picture into the editing screen, you can choose
commands from the menus that will appear on top of the image you're working
on. The size of the menus depends upon he resolution of the image. For
example, if you've loaded a picture captured from AutoCAD on a high-
resolution system, your menus will occupy a smaller amount of space than if
you're working with a screen of lower resolution.
Show Partner Lite Page 76
To choose any of the GraFIX Editor commands, you must first open the menu
containing the command, then highlight the command and press ENTER.
Opening a menu is easy once you have understood a few simple rules:
* To bring the GraFIX Editor menu bar to the screen, press the
DEL key. To pull down a menu, highlight the title of that menu by
sliding across the bar with the arrow keys. Press ENTER to open the
highlighted menu.
* To select a command from an open menu, move the highlight with
the arrow keys. Press ENTER to choose the highlighted command.
* To open a different menu, press the DEL key to close the open
menu, then use the procedures described immediately above to choose a
command from the menu.
And closing menus is easy as well.
* To exit a menu, press the DEL key. To exit the menu bar, press
DEL again.
For example, to choose the Load command from the File menu:
1. Press the DEL key to make the menu bar appear.
2. With the File menu highlighted, press the INS key to choose the
File menu.
3. Use the DOWN arrow key to highlight the Load command.
4. Press the INS key to choose the Load command.
You'll create pictures with GraFIX Editor by doing such things as freehand
drawing and adding circles, lines, and boxes to the image you see on
To specify the editing tool that should be used (Freehand, Box, Line,
etc.), you choose a command from the Edit menu. To perform an action upon
a rectangular area of the screen, you first choose a command like Cut or
Copy, then select the area to be cut or copied. And to modify the colors
of the images you see on screen, you'll use the commands on the Color menu.
Finally, to translate the image on screen from one graphics mode to
another, you'll use the commands from the Mode menu.
After adding to your picture you may find it necessary to undo the change.
You can undo your most recent action as long as you do so immediately.
To undo an editing action:
Show Partner Lite Page 77
1. Press the BACKSPACE key.
Note that as soon as you press the DEL key (or right mouse button) to turn
on the menu bar it becomes impossible to undo an action.
You can add text to your pictures in many different sizes, type styles, and
colors. You can add text to the picture editing screen by simply moving
the cursor to a starting point and then typing; there's no need to choose
a special command from a menu.
To add text when the menus are open, press the DEL key until they are
closed. Use the arrow keys to point to the location where you'd like your
text to begin. Begin typing.
To start a new line, press ENTER. The cursor will drop down one line so
that it is in the same column as the first character you typed. Until you
change it, this column is your left margin.
Each time you press the ENTER key when adding to the picture editing
screen, the cursor moves down one line and to the current left margin.
GraFIX Editor makes the last place where you began to enter text the left
margin. Pressing the DEL key to open the menus, on the other hand, will
remove the left margin.
Changing the left margin, then, is easy to do. Press the DEL key twice to
open and then close the menu bar. Point to your new left margin and begin
entering text. When you press the ENTER key, you'll see that GraFIX Editor
has changed the left margin.
If you make a mistake when entering a line of text, press the BACKSPACE key
to delete unwanted characters. Note that once you press the ENTER key to
begin a new line, you can no longer use the BACKSPACE key to delete text
entered on the previous line.
You can delete up to 100 characters on a single line by pressing the
BACKSPACE key after typing characters. Once you open the menus, however,
you can no longer use the BACKSPACE key to delete characters. Instead,
you'll use the Erase command, found on the Edit menu.
When you enter text into a picture editing screen, the style in which the
characters you type will appear depends upon the type style, or font, that
is currently selected. When first started, GraFIX Editor uses a font
called CHICAGO. You can choose a different font with the Text Format
GraFIX Editor may also be used while you are using Script Editor. If your
system has enough memory, you can load GraFIX Editor into resident memory
behind Script Editor. Then, with a simple Script Editor command, you can
call GraFIX Editor forward to edit your graphics without exiting Script
Show Partner Lite Page 78
File Menu Commands File Menu Commands File Menu Commands
The File menu commands are used to load and save files, load a file into
the area of memory called "Screen 2," change the directory, and quit GraFIX
The New command blanks the image on the screen, giving you a clean screen
to work with. Since this command removes the current image from memory,
make sure you've saved your work to disk if you plan to use it again.
LOAD . . .
The Load . . . command loads a picture file from disk and displays it on
the picture editing screen.
To open an existing picture file stored on the current directory:
1. Choose the Load command from the File menu.
2. Point to the Filename box and press the DEL key to view a list
of Show Partner Lite picture files on the current directory.
3. Highlight the name of the file you wish to load, then press
4. Press TAB to highlight the Load command button, then press
To load a picture from a directory that is not the current directory, point
to the Directory text box and enter a different directory name. Then
follow the steps listed above to load the file from the directory you have
The Save command saves the active picture on the current directory.
Notes: All the information you add to a Show Partner Lite screen stays in
your computer's memory until you save it in a file or quit Show Partner
Lite -- or until the power goes off. If there's a power failure, you could
lose a lot of work. That's why you should frequently save the work you do
on your screen.
When you name a Show Partner Lite picture file, you follow the same
guidelines you use to name any DOS file. When you save the picture file,
Show Partner Lite will add the extension "GX2" for you automatically.
SAVE AS . . .
Show Partner Lite Page 79
The Save As . . . command saves new pictures or new versions of existing
If another file with the name you've entered is already on the current
directory, GraFIX Editor asks if you want to replace it with the file
you're saving. You can replace it or cancel the command. GraFIX Editor
saves the file with the new name. The original file remains on the disk
with its old name.
The Change Dir command lets you change the default directory used to save
and load your GraFIX Editor files.
Notes: There are five default directories used by the various GraFIX
Editor commands: the picture directory, block file directory, palette file
directory, font file directory, and the partial picture directory. You can
change each of these directories with the Change Dir command.
Picture file directory: Directory used to store the Show Partner Lite
picture files created by DOSCAP, WIN3CAP, and GraFIX Editor.
Block file directory: Directory used to store the GraFIX Editor block
files created by the Save Block command.
Palette file directory: Directory used to store the palette files created
by the Save Palette command.
Font file directory: Directory used to store the fonts included on the
Show Partner Lite Program disk.
The Load Block command transfers a block file from disk to your picture
Notes: One of the two ways to share images between pictures is to save
part of a screen as a block file, and then to load the block file from disk
into the picture editing screen. To save a block, see Save Block command
When you select the Load Block command, a Filename dialog box appears. You
can enter a block name in two ways. You can type the name or you can press
the DEL key to view a list of the block files on the current directory,
then choose a block name from the list.
After you enter a block name and click the OK button, a blinking rectangle
appears on the picture editing screen. This rectangle represents the
block. Move it to any location on the active picture, press the INS key.
The Save Block command saves a block from the picture on your screen in a
file on the current directory.
Show Partner Lite Page 80
Notes: When you choose the Save Block command, a Filename dialog box
appears. Enter a name for the block you intend to select, then click the
OK button. A cursor will then appear on the picture editing screen. Move
then cursor, then press the INS key to select the first corner of the
block, then stretch the expandable box and press the INS key again to
select the opposite corner of the block. Adjust the blinking cursor if
necessary, then press the INS key to save the block.
If, while selecting your block, you notice that you've made a mistake,
press the DEL key and start the selection process again.
The Load Scrn 2 command allows you to load a different picture onto the
screen, then clip a block from this picture and past it into the original
picture on the screen.
Notes: Although you can open only one picture file at a time in the
picture editing screen, you can also open a second picture file in a
temporary storage area called Screen 2. Once a picture has been loaded
into Screen 2, you can make copies of the images it contains, and then
paste these rectangular images into the current picture.
1. The first step in copying an image from Screen 2 into the
current picture is to load a picture file from disk into Screen
2. Choose the Load Scrn 2 command from the File menu and view a
list of picture files on the current directory, then choose a picture.
Or, if you wish, edit the pathname in the Directory text box to change
the directory, then view your list of picture files. Load the picture
into Screen 2.
3. The picture loaded into Screen 2 appears on your screen. The
next step is to select a rectangular block from this picture and then
paste it into the current picture. Move the cursor outside the block
you wish to copy and press the INS key. Move the expandable box until
it is large enough to contain your block, then press the INS key for the
second time.
4. Move the blinking box until it contains the block you'd like to
copy from Screen 2, then press the INS key. Your active picture appears
on screen. Move the box, which represents the block you've selected,
anywhere on the screen. Then press the INS key. Your block will be
pasted into the location you specified.
GraFIX Editor returns you to Screen 2; if you wish, you can clip another
block from this picture and paste it into the picture editing screen.
If you wish to resume editing your picture, however, press the DEL key
to open the GraFIX Editor menus, then choose any menu command. GraFIX
Editor will then return you to the current picture.
Once you've used the Load Scrn 2 command, the file you chose will remain
there until you choose a different picture for Screen 2. While a picture
is in Screen 2, you can clip a block from it and paste it into the current
picture without using the Load Scrn 2 command. Instead, you choose the
Clip Scrn 2 command from the Edit menu.
Show Partner Lite Page 81
The Quit command allows you to quit GraFIX Editor.
Notes: After you choose the Quit command, Show Partner Lite presents a
dialog box with three options:
Quit & Stay Resident: You can quit GraFIX Editor, while leaving it
resident in Random Access Memory (RAM). This allows you to begin GraFIX
Editor from within other MS-DOS programs, including Script Editor, by
pressing the GraFIX Editor trigger keys.
Quit Completely: You can quit GraFIX Editor and release the program from
memory. Choose this option if you do not wish to use GraFIX Editor in its
memory-resident mode after quitting.
Do NOT Quit: You can change your mind and return to Show Partner Lite
GraFIX Editor.
Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands Edit Menu Commands
The Edit menu contains commands that allow you to move, copy, erase and
edit your pictures.
The Copy command duplicates a rectangular block of the current picture and
allows you to paste the copy into a new location.
Notes: After choosing this command, move the crosshair cursor to a point
outside the area you want to move, then press the INS key. Move the
expandable box until it is large enough to enclose the block you wish to
copy, then press the INS key for the second time. GraFIX Editor begins to
operate in adjust mode. Move the blinking box until the area you wish to
copy is fully enclosed, then press the INS key a third time. Finally,
choose your target. Move the box that represents your block to any
location, then press the INS key to carry out the Copy command.
The shortcut to the Copy command is Alt-Y.
The Move command allows you to move a rectangular block from one location
to another on the current picture screen.
Notes: The procedure to move a block is similar to that of copying a
block, except that, after choosing the move command, the block you move
will not remain in its original location.
The shortcut to the Move command is Alt-M.
Show Partner Lite Page 82
The Erase command eliminates a rectangular block from the current picture
screen, replacing all pixels in the block with the current background
Notes: Select the area to erase like you would an area to copy. If you
are unsure whether or not you will like the results of your erasure, save
the picture before you execute this command.
The shortcut for the Erase command is Alt-E.
The Zoom command allows you to edit the picture elements, or pixels, that
make up your picture.
Notes: To zoom in and edit, choose the Zoom command and then using the
arrow keys select the block you want to edit. The PgDn, PgUp, End and Home
keys will move the zoom box diagonally. When you've selected your area,
press the INS key.
The block you selected is now magnified: each rectangle you see represents
a single pixel. The box in the upper left-hand corner represents the true
size and appearance on screen of your zoom area.
To choose a color to draw with, press the Del key. Your current palette
will appear. Use the arrow keys to select the color you want; then press
the Ins key. Now each time you press the Ins key you will change the pixel
the cursor is on to the color you chose. If you hold down the INS key as
you move the cursor, each pixel in the cursor's path will change color.
To exit the Zoom screen, press ESCAPE.
The shortcut to the Zoom command is Alt-Z.
The Upend command flips a rectangular block on its horizontal axis.
Notes: You can use the Upend command to flip a rectangular block of any
size, including one as large as the current picture. After selecting the
block you want to flip, choose the area into which to paste your upended
block, then press the INS key.
The shortcut to the Upend command is Alt-U.
The Reflect command creates a mirror image of a rectangular block.
Show Partner Lite Page 83
Notes: GraFIX Editor reflects a block by flipping it on its vertical axis.
After selecting the block you want to flip, choose the area into which to
paste your mirrored block, then press the INS key.
The Rotate command lets you select and rotate a rectangular block by 90
degrees clockwise.
Notes: After selecting the block you want to rotate, choose the area into
which to paste the rotated block, then press the INS key. If it will not
fit within the current picture, press the DEL key and begin again.
The shortcut to the Rotate command is Alt-R.
The Center command lets you select a rectangular block and center it on the
horizontal axis of your screen.
Notes: After selecting the block you want to center, GraFIX Editor
automatically places it in the center of your screen. If you are centering
text on the screen, be sure to select your block so that an equal number of
columns are to the left of the first character as to the right of the final
character in your block.
If the Center commands fails due to improper selection of your block, press
the BACKSPACE key before choosing another command to undo the Center
The shortcut to the Center command is Alt-H.
The Clip Scrn 2 command lets you clip a block from another screen on disk
onto the active screen.
Notes: After using the Load Scrn 2 command to load a picture file into
Screen 2, you can clip a block from Screen 2 without again using the Load
Scrn 2 command.
Before you choose the Clip Scrn 2 command, be sure that the disk from which
you loaded the picture that is the current Screen 2 is still in the drive,
since GraFIX Editor must access this disk before carrying out the Clip Scrn
2 command.
Note: The Clip Scrn 2 command behaves slightly differently when you are
working in 320 x 200, 256-color graphics mode than other modes. In other
modes, the colors of the image to be pasted change to the color of the
target picture; this is not so in the 256-color mode. The shades of the
incoming image are added to the current palette of the picture, thus
preserving the color content of the image you paste to your picture.
Show Partner Lite Page 84
The Transparent command determines what happens to the color of the pixels
in the area where a block is copied or moved.
When Transparent is turned off, the image that is copied or moved will
completely replace the targeted area. When Transparent is turned on, in
contrast, the targeted area is affected only by colored pixels in the
pasted block; that is, black pixels in the pasted block will not replace
pixels in the targeted area.
Draw Menu Commands Draw Menu Commands Draw Menu Commands
The Draw menu allows you to choose the type and shape of drawing tools
needed to edit your pictures.
The Freehand command lets you draw free-form figures.
Notes: Hold down the INS key and move the cursor to draw. To draw
freehand figures with larger lines, choose the Width command from the Draw
menu, then choose Freehand and begin drawing again.
The shortcut to the Freehand command is Alt-F.
The Line command lets you draw straight lines.
Notes: Select one point and press the INS key to set one endpoint. Select
the opposite point and press the INS key to set the second endpoint. Your
line will connect the endpoints.
To draw larger lines, choose the Width command from the Draw menu until the
size of your lines is "Medium" or "Large."
The Shortcut to the Line command is Alt-L.
The Box command lets you create rectangular boxes.
Notes: Set one corner by pressing the INS Key, then move the cursor and
set the opposite corner before pressing the INS key again.
The shortcut to the Box command is Alt-B.
The Circle command lets you create circles in the current color and width.
Show Partner Lite Page 85
Notes: Set the midpoint of the circle by pressing the INS key, then move
the cursor to a point on the perimeter of the circle you wish to create.
Press the INS key again and the circle will appear on screen.
Select the Repeat command from the Special menu before choosing the Circle
command to create a series of circles with a common origin.
The shortcut to the Circle command is Alt-C.
The Paint command lets you fill an enclosed area with the current draw
Notes: Pressing INS will paint an area with the present color. If you
pour paint into an area that is not completely enclosed, paint will spill
into the surrounding area. Press the ESCAPE key to stop the paint command
before it finishes, then press the BACKSPACE key to remove any new paint
from your picture.
Notes: In most instances, the best way to complete an unfinished shape in
preparation for the Paint command is to use the Zoom command, found on the
Special menu.
The shortcut to the Paint command is Alt-P.
The Repaint command allows you to change the color of a continuous shape
such as a circle or rectangle.
Notes: After choosing the Repaint command, select a point on the current
picture that belongs to a continuous figure of a single color, then press
the INS key. The pixel you selected -- and all contiguous pixels of the
same color -- will change to the current draw color.
To use the Repaint command with a different draw color, choose the Select
Color or Select Pattern command before using Repaint.
Repaint should not be used to fill areas unless the area is rectangular; to
fill non-rectangular areas, use the Paint command.
The Width command changes the width of the draw line you use to create
lines, boxes, circles, and freehand figures.
Notes: Three sizes are available: Small, Medium, and Large.
Note: The Width command does not affect the size of text. To change text
size, choose the Text Format command from the Special menu.
The shortcut to the Width command is Alt-W.
Show Partner Lite Page 86
The Repeat command allows you to repeat a Draw or Block command.
Notes: This is used, for example, to draw a series of circles with the
same origin. There you would activate Repeat mode and then begin adding
circles to the current picture. To turn the Repeat option off, choose
Repeat from the Draw menu.
Color Menu Commands Color Menu Commands Color Menu Commands
The Color menu commands let you select and alter the draw and paint colors.
The Select Color command lets you select the draw color from choices suited
to your machine.
Notes: The text and graphics you add to your picture will appear in the
current draw color. You can change the current draw color at any time.
The Select Color dialog box shows you what colors are available for your
use. (There will always be at least four colors displayed here; it you are
using a system that is capable of displaying more colors, there may be as
many as sixteen colors displayed in this dialog box.) Move the box over
the color you want to draw with, then press the INS key.
One of the colors displayed in the Select Color dialog box matches the
background color; this color is located at the left edge of the top row.
Use the arrow keys to move the box on top of this color, which may be
chosen and used like the other available colors.
The Alter Colors command allows you to alter the colors that are available
to you as you work on the current picture.
Notes: If you are using GraFIX Editor on a color system, you may be able
to change the colors that appear on your screen. If your system supports
this feature, you will change the currently available colors with the Alter
Colors command.
When the Alter Colors dialog box appears on screen, move the box over one
of the colors that appear along the top row. Press the INS key. If your
system allows you to change the available colors in the current graphics
mode, the colors in the current graphics mode, the colors displayed on your
screen will change.
The following is a guide to how the colors will be altered on various
Show Partner Lite Page 87
If the Mode is Then Alter Colors:
320 x 200, 4-color Alters background and
foreground colors
360 x 348, 4 -color Has no effect on the current
320 x 200, 16-color Has no effect on the current
640 x 200, 16-color Has no effect on the current
640 x 350, 16-color Alters the foreground colors
640 x 480, 16-color Alters the foreground colors
Note: The available colors on a monochrome graphics are fixed, and cannot
be altered by GraFIX Editor.
To save the colors you have chosen with the Alter Colors command, for later
use with other pictures, choose the Save Palette command from the Color
The Select Pattern command allows you to choose a color pattern for use
with the draw and text commands.
Notes: In addition to the solid colors, there are always four patterns
available to use as the current draw color. GraFIX Editor patterns consist
of a rectangle filled with pixels for varying colors. Select your pattern
by placing the box around your choice and press INS.
The Alter Patterns command lets you change the patterns presented in the
Select Pattern command.
Notes: To edit a pattern, select the pattern you wish to edit, then press
the INS key. The Edit Pattern window appears. It operates exactly like
the Zoom window in the Edit menu. Press the DEL key, then move the cursor
to select a draw color. Release the DEL key when you have chosen a color.
Select a pixel and press the INS key. The pixel you chose will change to
the current color. Continue as you wish.
The Swap Colors command allows you to select a rectangular area of the
current picture and to replace one color in that area with another.
Show Partner Lite Page 88
Notes: When you choose the Swap Colors command, GraFIX Editor presents a
window containing the current colors, and prompts you to select the color
you want to change.
GraFIX Editor then refreshes the window, and prompts you to select the
color you want to change to. After selecting the rectangular block in
which to swap colors, press the INS key to carry out the Swap Colors
The Swap Colors command is especially useful for erasing or changing the
color of non-rectangular figures; choose the color of the figure as the
"Swap Form" color, and the background color as the "Swap To" color.
The Load Palette command will replace the active colors and patterns with a
set of colors and pattern saved in a palette file on the disk.
Notes: The current set of colors and patterns is called the current
palette. If you have created a set of patterns and saved them to disk
using the Save Palette command, you can use the Load Palette command to
make those patterns available to you. After loading new patterns with the
Load Palette command, choose the Select Pattern command to change the draw
color to one of the patterns you've created.
To load a palette file, choose the Load Palette command from the Color
menu. Type the filename of the palette file you wish to load in the
Filename text box, or press the DEL key to choose a filename from a list.
Click the OK button.
The Save Palette command saves to disk a palette you've created.
Notes: You can use Save Palette command to save patterns you have created
on the current directory. Then, when you next start GraFIX Editor, you can
use the Load Palette command to load the patterns you've created and use
them with a different picture.
You can also use the Save Palette command to save the current set of
sixteen colors that you've altered on a system with the IBM Enhanced
Graphics Adapter running in its 640 x 350, 16-color mode.
To save the current set of colors and patterns in a file, choose the Save
Palette command from the Color menu. Type a filename in the Filename text
box. Edit the pathname in the Directory text box if you wish. Point to
the OK button and press ENTER.
Color Menu Commands (256-color Mode) Color Menu Commands (256-color Mode) Color Menu Commands (256-color Mode)
The Color menu changes when you are in the 256-color mode available on
systems with IBM Multi Color Graphics Array (MCGA) or IBM Video Graphics
Array (VGA) capabilities. This section describes the commands on this
special Color menu.
Show Partner Lite Page 89
The IBM 320 x 200, 256-color mode is capable of displaying 256 different
colors on screen at once; these 256 colors are drawn from palette of
262,144 colors. With so much color capability at hand, FXGED uses a
different strategy to maintain the palette of the picture in 256-color
mode. Instead of a static palette of 256 color, GED adds colors
dynamically to the palette as they are used in the picture.
Note: To translate a picture from a CGA mode or EGA mode into the 256-
color mode, use the More Colors and/or More Resolution commands.
To add a color to the screen, and hence to the palette of the current
picture, you use the Make Color command.
Notes: After choosing the Make Color command from the Color menu a special
dialog box appears. Located at the top of the box is a large rectangular
array of basic hues. One of the small hue squares will be blackened. This
is the cursor for this box. You can move the cursor by using the arrow
keys or your pointing device with no buttons pressed.
As you move the hue cursor, a vertical bar located beneath the hues changes
color appropriately. A small white mark beneath this vertical bar points
at the level of intensity you are selecting. You can move this mark by
holding down the DEL key (or right mouse button) and pressing the LEFT or
RIGHT arrow keys (or moving the mouse horizontally).
At the bottom of the dialog box is a block of color showing the combination
of the hue and intensity you are selecting. When this box contains the
shade you desire, release the DEL key (or right mouse button) if you are
pressing it, then press the INS key (or left mouse button) to select that
shade. The dialog box will disappear and the shade will be added to the
palette for immediate use. Any text or figures you add will appear in the
shade you choose.
Show Partner Lite Page 90
The Reuse color command allows you to make one of the colors that you see
in your picture the current picture, thus allowing you to "reuse" a color
you have created.
Notes: Choose the Reuse Color command from the Color menu. The menus will
disappear and a box will appear showing the color under the cursor. Move
the cursor until the color in the box changes to the color you wish to
reuse. Then press the INS key (or left mouse button) and the color will be
selected for use.
This command allows you to exactly match an existing color, a task that is
all but impossible with the Make Color command.
The Alter Color command changes each pixel of an existing color to
different color; this color is changed throughout the current picture.
Notes: After choosing the Alter Color command, the menus disappear and
GraFIX Editor presents the same crosshair and color box used for the Reuse
Color command. Move the cursor until the box contains the color you wish
to alter. Press INS (or left mouse button) and you will be presented with
the Make Color dialog box with which you select a different shade for the
chosen color. (See the description of the Make Color command, above, for
instructions on using the Make Color dialog box.)
The Swap Color command is used to alter an existing color only within a
selected region.
To swap a color within a region:
1. Choose the Swap Color command from the Color menu.
2. Move the cursor to one edge of the region you wish to select,
then press INS. Move the cursor to the opposite corner, then press INS
again. Adjust the blinking cursor so that each pixel of the color you
wish to swap is enclosed within the block cursor.
3. Press INS to finish selecting the Block.
4. Now choose the "Swap To" color, using the procedures for using
the Make Color dialog box described above.
5. Once you have made the "Swap To" color, press INS to carry out
the command.
Show Partner Lite Page 91
This command is invaluable if you are trying to match a shade found in an
existing 256-color picture.
Notes: After choosing the Grab Color command, GraFIX Editor presents you
with the File Load dialog box. Enter the file name and directory of the
256-color picture containing the color you wish to grab, and choose the OK
button to let Script Editor know you are done with the dialog box.
The file is then loaded to the screen. Move the cursor over the color you
wish to grab, then press the INS key (or left mouse button). GraFIX Editor
returns you to the current picture, where your current draw color matches
the color you just grabbed.
This command will inform you of the number of colors you have used in your
picture and the number of slots left for new colors. A third number is
displayed showing the number of duplicate colors in the palette. If you
have duplicate colors you can consolidate them to the same color number by
choosing the NoDups command button.
The Save Palette command works in the 256-color mode just as it would in
any other mode, saving the current set of colors to disk.
Notes: Palettes saved from 256-color pictures have the file extension
".256" to denote that they are palettes saved in the 256 color mode.
This command can be used to greatest advantage in conjunction with the
PalLoad effect of Script Editor. You can perform very sophisticated
effects by repeatedly changing the palette of a finished picture and saving
the palette to disk. One application of this would be an effect which
would gradually turn night into day for a picture.
Mode Menu Commands Mode Menu Commands Mode Menu Commands
The Mode menu allows you to use GraFIX Editor in the different graphics
that your system supports.
The More Resolution command will give you more resolution if your graphics
mode supports it.
Notes: If your system supports graphics modes with resolutions higher than
that of the current picture, you use the More Resolution command to
increase the resolution of the picture screen. For example, by choosing
more resolution, you can go from 4-color CGA mode to 16-color EGA mode.
You can choose the More Resolution command repeatedly to reach the mode
with the highest resolution supported by GraFIX Editor and your display
adapter. When you've reached that mode and try to increase the resolution,
Show Partner Lite Page 92
you'll receive an error message informing you that more resolution is not
The Less Resolution command decreases your screen's resolution, if your
computer supports those modes.
Notes: After creating Show Partner Lite pictures in a high-resolution
graphics mode, you can convert the screen to a mode with less resolution
and then create pictures in that mode.
When you chose the Less Resolution command, GraFIX Editor displays a dialog
box warning you that the image in the picture editing screen will lose
resolution. Click the Yes button to translate the screen; click the No
button to return to the current picture without translating it to a mode
with lower resolution.
The More Colors command increases the number of available colors, if you
are working on a system that supports graphics modes with more colors that
are available in the current mode.
Notes: If you choose the More Colors command when you are working on a
system with monochrome graphics or one that does not support extended
graphics modes, GraFIX Editor displays a message informing you that more
colors are not available.
You can choose the More Colors command repeatedly to translate the picture
screen into the mode with the greatest number of screen colors supported by
GraFIX Editor and your display adapter. When you've reached that mode and
try to increase the screen colors, you'll receive an error message
informing you that more colors are not available on your system.
You can always determine the mode of the current picture by choosing the
Status command from the Special Menu.
The Less Colors command allows you to decrease the number of colors on your
picture screen.
Notes: After you choose the Less Colors command, GraFIX Editor displays a
dialog box warning you that your current picture will lose colors. Click
the Yes button to change the mode of the current picture to one with fewer
available colors; click the No button to return to the current picture
without changing the mode.
Special Menu Commands Special Menu Commands Special Menu Commands
Show Partner Lite Page 93
The Special menu makes it easy to control a variety of special attributes
of your editing commands, such as the size, shape, and direction of text,
and cursor speed.
The Text Format command is used to choose the format of text that you want
to add to a picture.
Notes: When you choose the Text Format command, a dialog box appears.
Parameter Choices
Size: Determines how big Small, Medium, Large
text characters will be.
Slant: Determines if text Normal, Left, Right
will be vertical or
Direction: Determines in Normal, Up, Down
what direction characters
will appear on the screen
when typed.
Mode: Determines the color Overtype, Overlay
of the pixels that appear
behind the characters you
To change the current font, choose the Text Format command from the Special
menu. Point to the Font button, found at the bottom of the Text Format
dialog box, and press ENTER. The Load Font dialog box appears on screen:
<<A picture or screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Press the DEL key to view a list of fonts on the current directory. Move
the highlight over the filename of the font you wish to use, then press the
INS key. Point to the OK button and press ENTER to carry out the Load Font
File option.
Note that Show Partner Lite's fonts are located on your Install disk.
Show Partner Lite Page 94
The Cursor Speed command changes the rate at which the cursor moves on the
screen when you press an arrow key on the keyboard.
Notes: You can choose a value between 1 and 10 as the cursor speed. A
value of 10 means the cursor will move ten pixels in the direction of the
arrow key you press.
You can change the cursor speed while editing your picture by pressing the
ALT key and one of the function keys. ALT-F1 selects a cursor speed of 1,
ALT-F2 a cursor speed of 2, and so on.
The Expand Block command is used to double the length and width of a
rectangular block and move it to another part of the picture.
Notes: After choosing this command, press the INS key. A box will appear.
Use the arrow keys to define the shape of the box you want. Press the INS
twice and you can use the arrow keys to move the enlarged box around the
screen. Pressing the INS key a fourth time will fix the new block.
The Shrink Block command is used to halve the length and width of a
rectangular block and move it to another part of the picture.
Notes: After choosing this command, press the INS key. A box will appear.
Use the arrow keys to define the shape of the box you want. Press the INS
twice and you can use the arrow keys to move the smaller box around the
screen. Pressing the INS key a fourth time will fix the new block.
The Save Config command saves to disk the configuration of GraFIX Editor
you design.
The Status command displays the status of six GraFIX Editor variables:
editing operation, draw color, brush width, text type, cursor speed, cursor
location, and screen mode. You can also check the status of these
variables by pressing the F1 key whenever any of the GraFIX Editor menus
are open.
<<A picture of screen shot appears here in the printed manual>>
Show Partner Lite Page 95
Appendix A Display Adapters
This appendix describes the display adapters supported by Show Partner Lite
Show Partner Lite runs on the IBM PC-XT, PC-AT, PS/2 series, and 100%
compatible systems capable of displaying monochrome or color graphics.
The display that you see when you work with your computer is produced with
a special circuit board called a display adapter; this device connects your
computer to a display monitor.
Show Partner Lite 3.7a supports five major display adapters, each of which
has been widely imitated by other manufacturers:
* IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA)
* IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
* IBM Multi Color Graphics Array (MCGA)
* IBM Video Graphics Array (VGA) and SigmaVGA
* Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter
Show Partner Lite Page 96
Appendix B System Memory Requirements
This appendix describes the memory requirements for using Show Partner Lite
3.7a on different microcomputer systems.
Your personal computer works by moving programs and data into Random Access
Memory (RAM). If there is not enough memory to begin a task, MS-DOS will
not allow you to load the application that performs that task.
To use the Show Partner Lite programs on your system requires varying
amounts of RAM, depending on the configuration of your system. The
determining factors are:
* The version of MS-DOS you are using.
* The number of buffers and files specified in your CONFIG.SYS
* The type of display adapter installed in your system.
* The presence or absence of a device that supports the
Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (EMS).
Use the following procedure to determine the minimum amount of available
memory needed to run the Show Partner Lite programs on your system.
1. Take the base amount required for the program you want to use:
Program: Base Amount:
Script Editor 216K
Slide Show Editor 216K
GraFIX Editor 134K
2. Add the amount of memory needed to store a full screen picture
on your display adapter. (If your system includes a device with
Lotus/Intel/Microsoft EMS memory, do not add this amount).
If Your Display Adapter is: Then Add:
Show Partner Lite Page 97
An IBM Color Graphics 16K
Adapter or compatible
An IBM Enhanced Graphics 128K
Adapter or compatible
An IBM Video Graphics Array, 160K
SigmaVGA, or compatible
A Hercules Monochrome 32K
Adapter or compatible
3. If you are using Script Editor and GraFIX Editor and GraFIX
Editor simultaneously, with GraFIX Editor running in resident memory,
subtract 64K since Show Partner Lite will conserve this amount of memory
when the two programs are used together.
Show Partner Lite Page 98
Appendix C Using Your Keyboard or Mouse
This User's Guide explains how to use the Show Partner Lite programs by
using your keyboard. There are two ways to choose menu commands not fully
described in this guide:
1. You can use key combinations (using the Alt or Ctrl key with
another key).
2. You can use an input device such as the Microsoft Mouse or
Logitech Mouse.
The table in this appendix show:
* How to use Show Partner Lite with a Microsoft Mouse, Logitech
Mouse, or compatible device
* Which keys perform specific actions in GraFIX Editor
* Which keys perform specific actions in Script Editor and Slide
Show Editor
Although this User's Guide refers primarily to procedures for choosing
commands and editing Show Partner Lite files with your keyboard, you can
also use a mouse in place of the keyboard.
You've probably noticed the important role played by the Ins, Del, ESC, and
ENTER keys. These keys are emulated by the two buttons of a Microsoft
Mouse and by the inside and outside buttons of a Logitech Mouse.
To emulate the: Click the:
INS key Left mouse button
ENTER key Left mouse button
Del key Right mouse button
ESC key Both buttons simultaneously
In general, you can use the four following rules to remember how to use the
mouse buttons when choosing commands:
1. Click the right mouse button to open and close the menu bar.
2. Point to a name within a menu bar, menu, or list box, then
click the left mouse button to choose that menu, menu command, or
Show Partner Lite Page 99
3. Point to a text box and click the right mouse button to rotate
though the available options. (If there are so many options that it's
impractical to rotate through them all, a text box listing the options
will appear.)
4. Press the left and right mouse buttons, then release them
simultaneously to cancel and close a menu, dialog box, or list box.
The following table lists keyboard shortcuts for choosing GraFIX Editor's
menu commands:
Too Choose This Command: Press:
Copy Alt-Y
Move Alt-M
Erase Alt-E
Zoom Alt-Z
Upend Alt-U
Reflect Alt-X
Rotate Alt-R
Center Alt-H
Freehand Alt-F
Line Alt-L
Box Alt-B
Circle Alt-C
Paint Alt-P
Width Alt-W
Alter Colors Alt-A
To select a cursor speed of: Press:
1 pixel per direction key Alt-F1
Show Partner Lite Page 100
2 pixels per direction key Alt-F2
3 pixels per direction key Alt-F3
4 pixels per direction key Alt-F4
5 pixels per direction key Alt-F5
6 pixels per direction key Alt-F6
7 pixels per direction key Alt-F7
8 pixels per direction key Alt-F8
9 pixels per direction key Alt-F9
10 pixels per direction key Alt-F10
The following table lists keyboard shortcuts for choosing Script Editor and
Slide Show Editor menu commands:
To open: Press:
File menu Ctrl-F
Edit menu Ctrl-E
View menu Ctrl-V
Jump menu Ctrl-J
Special menu Ctrl-S
Help F1
Keyboard Help F2
To Update: Press:
The listing of picture files Alt-F
in the current directory
To Choose This Command: Press:
Show Partner Lite Page 101
New Alt-N
Load Alt-L
Save Alt-S
Print Alt-P
Quit Alt-Q
Undo Alt-U
Copy Rows Alt-C
Move Rows Alt-M
Insert Row Alt-I
Erase Rows Alt-E
Delete Row Alt-D
Save Rows Alt-B
View Script Alt-A
View Rows Alt-V
Jump to Row Alt-G
Jump to Location Alt-J
Clip Block PLUS (+)
GED Edit Ctrl-Alt-PLUS (+)
System Alt-F10